Chapter 23 - Puzzle Pieces

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The color drained from his face, he was ghost white and his hands went cold and shakey.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Did you put a fake note that my mom supposedly wrote to me in the jeans she wore on the day she died?"



"The note is not fake." 

"You mean you did put it there?!" I gasped in shock and disbelief.

"The note is not fake Maydah," He repeated.

I kept quiet, waiting for him to explain.

"They checked her pockets and her purse for any evidence that may point to the authorities being responsible for her death, and they found the note, so they took it out of her pocket."

My head was spinning, so the note was real. My mom, she knew it was coming, she sacrificed her life! And the call us terrorists, responsible for the deaths of millions, but when it comes to their side of the story, they muffle up their evil, so that we carry on looking bad, and they carry on looking like angels. When in fact, the world reamins naive to their evil deeds, to their heartless actions to their-

"Maydah?" Mazin sliced through my thoughts.

"How did you know about the note? How did you find the note?" I asked slowly.

Mazin looked away.

"Mazin," I said, desperate for an answer.

"Our business wanted to expand and to do that they needed the permission from the authorites. So I had to go over to their office and sign the contract. But the Head of the authorities left the office for a few minutes and I just felt the urge to check his drawers, you know after our encounter with Hensus. And I found this, I didn't know how to give it to you so I just put it where it was ment to be."

"Is that what you were hiding from me?" I asked.

"I wish," Mazin sighed.

"Than what is it?"

"Maydah go to sleep, it's been a long day," He said, clearly tired and not wanting to talk any more.

I woke up the next morning, when the sun was rising, and prayed Fajr (morning prayer). After I finished, I wrote my name on the water that formed on my bedroom window. I remember doing it as a kid while my mom used to make breakfast making fun of my dad's bushy eyebrows.

Half an hour later, I was ready and out of the house. Mazin dropped me off at school and I got out of the car, dreading to start another day. The storm clouds hung low in the sky and I knew there was going to be a storm. Oh the beauty of winter. Sarcasm there.

"Will the world end if a guy sees your hair." Alicia grinned catching up to me.

"If there is any hair under that thing." Haylie added.

I narrowed my eyes and attempted to get away from them, when Spencer, who also happened to be the most popular football jock in school stepped in front of my blocking my way.

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