Chapter 8 - Azalea, No Idea What to Do.

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Hey guys, just before you start reading this chapter, I think you all should really check out MohammadSammour's poems, they really open your eyes about what's actually going on in the world and they are really worth reading, so make sure to check them out ;)





Azalea's Point of View.

I sat on the edge of the bed, the weird authority guy had left me here half an hour ago.. But it felt so much longer, the only reason I knew the time was because of the big analogue clock hung above the bed. He told me I would be staying here while they got things straightened out. I hated the room, it was white and plain. the bed was in the middle of the room, the headboard leaning against the wall. There was only one window and it was night, I couldn't even see the moon. There was a closet opposite the bed and a desk under the window. The floor was made out of cold cement tiles and there were no rugs or carpet. I pulled the sleeves of Maydah's nightie over my fingers, wondering why she told me to keep it. I wanted to get out of here, but I didn't know where to go, what to do, or how to.

I slowly got off my bed and opened the  room door quietly, it creaked but no one came. I was facing a long hallway with dozens of other room doors, all shut. I tiptoed down the hallway, not knowing where I was going or what I was meant to expect.

"We're not allowed out after lights out." A soft voice said behind me making me jump at least a mile into the air.

"I was-"

"You're new aren't you?" She said.

I nodded.

"They'll punish you if they find you, go back to your room."

"Who'll punish me?" I asked quizically.

"The big guys, come in, if they find us.." She whispered. I followed her into her room, it was exactly the same as mine, except on her desk, there was a picture, it looked like her when she was younger with a mom and a dad.

"Sweet picture," I said looking at it.

"They're not here,"


"I don't know where they are," She pointed at the picture.

"You're parents?" I asked.

"Yeah, my parents," She nodded.

"How did you get here?"

"Them, they found me in the park and they took me,"

"Who?" I questioned.

"The big guys," She shuddered.

"I don't know where mine are either, I can't remember," I said putting the picture back on her table.

"Did they find you too? In the park?" She asked.

"No, they took me. A girl found me outside the mall."

"That's so weird," She frowned perching on the side of her bed. "I remember being outside the mall too, but one night it was raining and I needed to find shelter, that's how I got to the park."

"Yeah," I was confused, "I'd better get back to my room, nice talking with you uhh.."


"Nice talking with you Maria," I smiled than left.

I jumped out of bed hearing the loud knocking on my room door. It was morning already and the sun was shining through the window.

"Good morning," A lady walked into my room. "I am Laura Bunsen and I'm supposed to escort you to see Mr Hensus. I believe you've met him briefly last night when you were brought here."

She looked young, around twenty three, her hair was done up in a loose bun and she was wearing a dark blue coat with trousers. She was very discreet, she had no make up on and the only jewelry she wore were two dangling earings, she looked just as nervous as I was.

I took a quick shower and wore some proper clothes which I found in the closet and then followed Laura Bunsen.

"Hello Azalea." Mr Hensus said. He looked exactly the same as he did yesterday, typical black coat, black tie, his greying red hair gelled back and his expression serious as ever.

"Hi." I said shortly.

"Take a sit,"

"I can stand."

"Sit," Laura Bunsen whispered frantically, pushing the chair towards me.

"Has your memory started improving?"

"Yes, I remember that you heartlessly took me away from the only place I've called home in a long time." I blurted.

"It was for your own good, in time you will understand," He said in the annoying calm voice.

"Yeah right." I muttered.

"On a happier note," He raised his voice slightly, "We have found the reason for you being stranded outside the mall."

"What's that?" I asked gaining interest.

"There was a shooting in the mall, three years ago, there were a number of kids reported missing," He opened a folder. "But now, after doing a bit of research here and there, we found that alot of kids have a case similar to yours, amnesia."

"I don't understand."

"Some how, while trying to escape, you must have hit your head thus blurring your memory,"

"So what happens now?" 

"You will stay here, we have a psychologist who can help you regain your memory, once you do, we can than find your parents and reunite you together."

"Can't I go back to Maydah's house?"



"That will be it. Laura, see to it she gets to her room."

"Come along Azalea," Laura Bunsen stood up.

Make sure I get to my room? Where else would I go?

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