Chapter 58 - Black and White.

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"Hello Officer Chang, can I see Zeke please?" I asked Chang after school.

Having thought about it at least a billion times earlier on in the day, I finally decided that I would do Mr Miljan this little favor seeing as how much he was doing for me, or the whole of our little city at least.

"Didn't you hear the news?" Chang asked.

"What news?"

"He was proven guilty. Sentenced to one year at boot camp." Chang informed.

"One year?!" I exclaimed.

"He's charged with life, the boy he assaulted may not live." Chang told me.

"Thank you." I nodded and backed out of the police station.

"He deserved it." I thought. "He really deserves it. Justice is served.."

"Why are you coming out of the police station?" Cailey asked as I distanced myself from it.

"Oh, no I was--"

"I saw you coming out of there.." Cailey insisted.

"Yeah, but no big deal.. I'm innocent." I grinned.

She rolled her eyes. "Tell me Maydah, I'm your friend aren't I?"

"God, you make it impossible." I sighed.

"I know," She smiled happily.

"You remember that kid, Zeke Daniels?"


"The guy who joined half way through the first semester.." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah, the hunk from Florida?" Cailey recalled.

"Uhh.. Yeah that guy.."

"What about him?"

"He got involved with some rough crowd and he sort of, almost killed a younger kid." I said.

"Now way!" Cailey gasped.


"You guys are friends?"

"Noo, no, not at all." I  denied.

"So you didn't go to visit him?" Cailey asked, puzzled.

"I was requested to check on him.. By his dad." I admitted.

"Why doesn't he check on his son himself?"

"Cailey it's-"

"Don't tell me it's a long story.. I have all the time in the world." Cailey said.

"Ok fine," I gave in. "But not in the middle of the most of a street filled with CCTV cameras."

"Ok, my home is right here and my parents won't be home till forever."

I laid in bed, awake.. I decided to entrust Cailey with almost everything. She was so understanding and so helpful, it made me wonder why we weren't friends from a long time ago.. Oh well..

I still couldn't believe Zeke was going to serve a whole year in boot camp. It would be so weird not seeing him around in school, not wondering what he was up to.

What was going to be more in weird, however, was seeing him after he served his sentece. I hope he would forget me over the course of the next twelve months.

Journal of a Teenage Muslim.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ