Chapter 63 - Time To Talk.

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"He has a very creative scenario, your honor." Daniels' lawyer said after the boy finished talking, "However, only one witness seem very unreliable, don't you think?"

"There is more than one witness Mr Hensus." The judge replied.

"Hensus is the lawyer?!" I exclaimed in a whisper.

"Shh!" Andeon silenced me.

Hensus waited for the judge to continue.

"Ms Maydah Daneen Ahmad," The judge called.

The whole court room erupted with low murmers and shocked faces as they squirmed in their chairs to get a glimpse of the 'dead girl' as they called me.

"Bismillah," I whispered and stood up and made my way to the front, with Andeon's lawyer at my side.

Daniels and Hensus looked like they'd seen a ghost and the boy who was previously in the witness stand widened his eyes as I came closer to the front. I looked at him, still unable to figure out who exactly he was. But as he passed me, going back to his seat, I recognized him more, though still couldn't make out who he was.

"Ms Ahmad, you claim to have personally come into contact with Mr J Daniels?" The Judge questioned me.

"Yes Ma'am," I replied.

"And you have personally seen him experiment on the children, as claimed?" 

"I have met with a kid who was in his so called orphanage who experianced-"

"The answer would be a yes or a no." Hensus said maliciously.

"No, I have not." I answered, glaring at Hensus.

"But you've met a kid who has been experimented on?" The judge inquired.

"About to be experimented on." I corrected.

"And this child is in the court room?" She asked.


"Please come up to the witness stand." She announced.

I got out from the witness stand and Azalea came up.

"Ms Azalea Samuel Connors?"

"Yes Ma'am." 

"Please explain your experience."

Azalea gave out a brief story of her stay at the authorities and about the mysterious death of Laura Bunsen.

"How did Miss Bunsen die according to your account?" She asked Hensus.

"We have no records on that." Hensus answered. "She quit one day. We believe the pressure was too much for her and she committed suicide."


"We believe she took an overdose of anti stress pills." Hensus said.

"What evidence do you have to prove your point?"

"We found this in her apartment." Hensus said, taking out a bottle of pills which was in a zip lock bag. "It has her fingerprints on it."

"Did you carry out an autopsy?" The judge asked.

"Yes Ma'am, we have the results right here." Hensus said, taking out a folder from his briefcase, and handing it to the judge.

She scanned through them and than gave them over to a person sitting next to her.

"They will be checked to see if they are authentic."  She informed.

Hensus let out a nervouse chuckle.

"That will be it for today.. The final judgement will be passed tomorrow at seven thirty sharp." She announced.

"All we can do is keep our fingers crossed now." Andeon muttered.

"I didn't get a chance to talk." Mazin said.

"There wasn't much need really." Andeon admitted. "I believe those autopsy results are fake, there shouldn't be much problem."

I prayed and prayed and prayed all night. 

"Please let them prove him guilty Ya Allah," I whispered out loud. "Let him pay for what he did to mama."

"All will be fine InshAllah." I turned around and saw Dad leaning on the door frame.

"InshAllah," I echoed.

"Just one thing I want to clear out Maydah."

"Yes Dad?"

"You're not helping to fight this case in order to seek revenge for what he did to your Mom are you?"

"Dad, he killed her!" 

"I know my dear, but revenge is not the answer." Dad answered.

"He deserves the worst." I said coldly.

"I am not asking you to forgive him, that even I can not do. All I am saying is do not seek this justice for your satisfaction or selfishness. Understand?"

"But Dad-"

"Listen to me Maydah." Dad said sternly. "He did wrong, I am aware of it. The reason we want him locked up is so that he can do no more wrong, not to counterplay his actions. If the reason is revenge, than, my dear Maydah, your heart will harden into stone. Don't fight out of hate, but fight for what's right."

"I understand Dad." I said. 

"Good," Dad said, "Try and get some sleep."

"Thanks, good night,"

"Good night Maydah," He said leaving the room, as the rest of the girls started coming in.

It was late, and we had to be in court by at least six thirty. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.

Tomorrow could be the happy ending...

Or the start of a terrible ordeal.

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