Chapter 13 - Don't Mess With the Man of Mess.

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"Laura Bunsen is dead."




"Dead?" Azalea stammered, 

"Yes, dead, stone cold dead."  The voice boomed.

"What happened to her?"

"An accident, a terrible accident." And then the reciever clicked and the only sound in the room was the beep coming from the phone.

Dad took the phone from Azalea's hand and set it on the table. Azalea was shaking from head to toe, her face was paper white.

"Azalea," I said softly putting my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"They must have found out she was the one who helped me to escape!" Azalea whispered bearly audible.

"They couldn't have sweetheart,"  Her mom said.

"What do we do now?" I looked at dad.

"I don't know," He shook his head.

"Well it's quite obvious they are very unwilling to set any of these children free," Azalea's mom confirmed.

"And that they'll do anything and everything to hold them captive." Azalea added.

"Even if it means they'll have to take dozens of people's lives," Dad concluded.

"So what do we do dad?" I was getting hopeless, "There's no one that can help us, there's no way we can do anything, we're toast!"

"Where there's a will there's a way."

"Not in this case!" I blurted.

"There must be," Azalea said, sitting on the arm of the sofa, her eyes focused into the distance.

"There is no way, it's over." I said interupting her thoughts, I know I was being negative, but I couldn't help it, these guys knew exactly what they were doing and they were to good at it. "If we want to beat them at their own game, we got to cheat."

"No, we have to play fair." Dad stated.

"If we play fair-"

"If we don't, play fair, what makes us any better than they are?" Dad cut in.

Azalea's eyes lit up.

"Got an idea there?" Dad grinned seeing her spark up.

"Oh yeah!"

"What is it?" Her mom said sitting up.

"Laura Bunsen told me, if the kids parents turn up asking for their kid, then and only then will they have to give the kids back to the parents right? So what if, we spread the word that the authorities have all the missing kids? Then all the parents will go their, get their kids, and every one lives happy ever after!"

"And we don't say anything about the fact that they are using the kids as lab rats?" I asked sceptically.

"We won't have to," She grinned, "Once the kids are back with their parents, they'll tell them everything, and once the parents find out everything.."

"Hallelujah!" Azalea's mom smiled broadly.

"Now that is one heck of an idea!" Dad said enthusiastically.

"No jokes there!" I agreed hugging Azalea.

"So how exactly do we spread the word?" Azalea's mom asked.

"Chinese whispers." I grinned.

Monday came quickly and Azalea and I were standing in the locker hall.

"I can't wait to see Haylie's face when she sees your still here," I simpered.

"Right?" Azalea agreed, "You know, if it wasn't for her, we would never have found out about all of this.."

"True," I nodded, "I guess the worst people some times lead us the best way, you know, in very random cases,"

The bell rang.

"I'll see you in break," I told Azalea, she was three grades younger than me which really sucked because I wanted her to be in the same classes as me.

"Settle down, settle down," Our English teacher Mr Meagan ranted. I sat in my usual place, in the corner at the back of my class room, and my bag on the chair next to me. I kept it there deliberately, so no one would sit next to me, because if they did they'd either make fun of my hijab or ask if I was involved in criminal activity or ask  if my parents abuse me into wearing the hijab.

"We have a new kid today, all the way from Florida, Zeke Daniels," Mr Meagan introduced, his skin was lightly tanned and his body was well built, he wasn't wearing a tight shirt but it was enough to see he worked out quite a bit, his hair was a dark auborn'ish' color and his eyes were light blue.

"Why don't you sit in the spare seat by Maydah eh?" Mr Meagan told him.

I lifted my bag off the seat next to mine, annoyed and hoped the class would start right away.

"Hello, umm," He whispered sitting next to me.

"Maydah," I said.

"Nice to meet you," He said holding out his hand to shake.

"You too," I said awkwardly not shaking it, 

He took his hand back looking kind of insulted.

"I don't think you're dirty or anything," I said quickly, "It's just in my religion you can't shake the opposite gendre's hand, unless you're related of course,"

"Oh right," He said looking more relaxed. "I respect that."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I'm no fan of racism." He nodded.

"That's a relief,"

"Yeah, I know what you mean, my mom is Buddhist and people just don't give her a break, it drives her to tears," He told me.

"What about your dad?"

"He's an athiest, says it takes away all the complications."

"So what brought you all the way here?" I asked suddenly interested.

"Oh, my dad got recruited, he works as a manager and the authorities here were interested in his skill so they invited him to work here."

"Wait, so your dad is part of the authorities?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah.. Why?"

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