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5th April 2020

Sitting on the sofa I held Halsten against my chest as I played with his fingers, gently touching each one. With my other hand I slowly moved my hand up and down his back as laid fast asleep.

By now I was alot calmer then I was this morning, however I was still beyond livid at Liam.

Elle and I hadn't even had a chance to talk about it yet. Her and Heidi had been out for lunch for the last hour after I had persisted for her to go. She insisted on not leaving me but I knew how much she had been looking forward to seeing Heidi again.

Hearing quiet babbles I looked down to see Halsten stirring.

"Good afternoon Hal" I cooed as his hand clasped my shirt.

Eventually Halsten opened his eyes before looking up at me, his big blues making me melt inside.

"Mummy will be home soon and then she can feed you" I smiled before lifting him up and now cradling him.

Gently taking ahold of Halsten's small little hand he wrapped it around my index finger.

Ever since Halsten has come into my life it's bought a new found of happiness within me. Each time I look at him I can feel my heart burst and beat a million times over.

I adore him so much and I love him more than anything in this world. I vow to protect and love him forever and always.

"You came at the best time for me" I whispered down at Halsten at his big eyes wondered across my face.

For some reason I could feel tears begin to consume my eyes. I don't know where this was coming from but all of a sudden I could feel my walls collapse from around me.

As warm tears began to sink their way down my pale skin I lifted Halsten again my chest before hugging him. Cradling his head with my hand I stood up as quiet cries began to escape my lips.

I just felt so overwhelmed by everything.



Unlocking the front door I walked into the house before closing it behind me. Slipping my shoes off I then walked into the living room to see no Shawn.

Assuming that I would find him upstairs I began making my way up. Reaching the top of the stairs I made my way to our bedroom before peering in to see Shawn stood over Halsten's cot.

"Hey" I smiled at the pair of them.

Looking up from Halsten dhawn turned to me and instantly I noticed how puffy and red his eyes were.

"Are you okay?" I asked, so much concern in my voice and on my face as I dropped my bag next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Shawn nodded, his voice a little croaky before he turned away from me and scurried into the bathroom, leaving the door open behind him.

Pulling my eyebrows together I walked over to the cot, quickly peering to see if Halsten was okay, before going into the bathroom to see Shawn.

Standing the bathroom doorway Shawn was sat on the lid of the toilet, his hands clasped together infront of him as his head hung low.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" I gently asked, moving further into the room.

"I don't know" Shawn sighed, his breath shaky as he lifted his watery eyes to look at me.

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