American Wand Cores Part 2

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The scent of river water and apple blossoms is emitted by this wand when it is feeling positive or excited. Teal and turquoise swirls trail out of this wand when performing magic. Gowrow tusk wands can sense magical vibrations. With enough practice, the owner and wand can differentiate magical signatures and be able to track people or creatures via them. Another possibility is being able to sense what piece of magic is about to be performed, enabling the gowrow tusk owner to act preemptively. Gowrow tusks bond the best with apple woods, as well as other trees within the rose family. They dislike woods that are too serious and that are sticks in the mud.

Bennu Bird feather - A exotic import native to Egypt, Bennu birds are related to the phoenix and augury, and by some magitaxonomists believed to be the ancestor to both. These magical birds are much larger than either the phoenix or the auguries, as well as more powerful. They live near rivers and disguise themselves as a large heron. Its true appearance can only be seen by witches and wizards. As cores, their feathers do not have a wide range of phoenix feathers but have more 'oomph.' These ancient wand cores only favored the wealthy and those of high nobility.

Owners of this core are graceful, patient, and majestic in their actions and words. They approach problems gently and with precision. They do not like to make any careless mistakes. They process information methodically. It may take them longer to learn a subject because they insist on learning it thoroughly, paying attention to the most minute details, and asking a plethora of questions along the way. They will wait for the perfect opportunity to display their competence or knowledge. Being spontaneous is not a thing they do, nor do they appreciate it in others.

Their presence is majestic and these people are full of confidence. At their worst, they can underestimate other people's abilities, and be arrogant about their own. Commonly, owners of bennu bird feather wands do not like large crowds, and maybe ochlophobia. This core is talented at magic to do with creation, rebirth, reincarnation, and conservation. There is talent at using long-range magics, and wands with bennu bird feather cores are accurate up to much longer distances than the average wand. Gold and royal blue waves of light shine forth from this wand during spellwork. A perfume of myrrh, honey, river waters, and ash lingers in the air around this wand. Wands with this core are often strongest during the day and appear as a regular stick to the non-magical eye. Turquoise helps to regulate this wand and increases the potency of magic to do with protection, fertility, or music. Bennu bird feathers bond excellently with wand woods from willow species.  

Kitsune whisker -Native to Japan, Kitsune whisker wands search for an owner that is just as cunning, faithful, and spontaneous. Not overachievers, they do what they want when they want. Adhering to a schedule does not suit them, and they resent being forced into one.

They are intelligent people, just not the most externally motivated. Subjects they thrive in are those that interest them the most. Restless, they like to be constantly doing something. They are bored easily and may be destructive as they wait for others to catch up to them. As students, they must be given extra tasks with difficulty increases exponentially. Though they are independent and do as they please, these witches and wizards are also faithful to the core. They like to dote upon their loved ones and are great listeners to their problems. They are capable of great unrequited love, and always repay the favors they owe others. Owners of kitsune whisker wands often have large appetites. The owner's magic is destined to grow stronger and more potent with age.

It is one of the best cores for transfiguration and shapeshifting. The careers for this wand vary as it depends on the interests of the owner. Nine to five jobs are highly uncommon though, as an overly structured workday and environment chokehold their creativity and ingenuity. Jobs that allow for flexibility, creativity, and spontaneity are where these people thrive. Soft pearl-like orbs float off this wand when performing spell work. This wand is trailed by the scent of bonfires and orchids. If this wand's transfigurative powers seem weakened, place fresh leaves over it for an hour or more. Wands with this core are even more restless on a full moon night, and their magic fluctuates more wildly as well. Wands with either kitsune whisker or tail hair adore jewels; the jewel preference depends on the wood they are paired with. Kitsune-based wands despise and are afraid of grim hair and rougarou hair wands.

Moon Rabbit Bone -  Moon rabbits live across eastern Asia and a small isolated population is located in the ancient canals of Xochimilco in Mexico City, and are nocturnal. The size, ear length, and eye color vary by subspecies. Their coats are soft and ever-changing, as their hair reflects the phase of the moon. During the new moon, their coats are completely black while during the full moon their coats are completely white. During lunar eclipses, a ring of light can be seen around their black fur. Their noses are sensitive and some have been trained to find rare herbs and plants for potions ingredients. Their stomachs can digest almost anything and are capable of eating the most poisonous of plants without any negative side effects. They are curious creatures and love to investigate new things. Their speed helps them to evade the majority of their predators and to go uncaught by magic folk. A trap of rare plants or those not endemic to the moon rabbit's environment sometimes works.

Moon rabbit bone cores contain the bones from their feet, and so they have a reputation for instilling their owners with luck. Their owners are kind, noble, and intelligent. Their minds are quick– they jump from one idea to the other. They don't mind going down unconventional paths of thought. Their imaginations are expansive and they excel in abstract theories and subjects. Though they are usually reserved, when it comes to discussing their ideas and explorations of subjects, they become excitable and chatty. Not afraid to be vulnerable, they do not mind discussing matters important to them or their own faults. They do ensure to pick the right time to show their vulnerability when the reward outweighs the risk. They may be over-attentive to those close to them; they want to help their loved ones, even without their explicit permission. They like to use their knowledge to help others– they live by kindness. However, they don't understand why people won't listen to reason, to why would they want to live this way when X can make their life better. Upon rejection of their ideas, these witches and wizards can become self-righteous. They are somewhat melancholic on a day-to-day basis, and often think about what's wrong with the world and how they can help to fix them. As such, they frequently have a sad or pensive look on their face.

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