White Spruce

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Picea glauca, the white spruce, is a species of spruce native to the northern temperate and boreal forests in North America

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Picea glauca, the white spruce, is a species of spruce native to the northern temperate and boreal forests in North America. Picea glauca was originally native from central Alaska all through the east, across southern/central Canada to the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland. It now has become naturalized southward into the far northern United States border states like Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine; there is also an isolated population in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming. It is also known as Canadian spruce, skunk spruce, cat spruce, Black Hills spruce, western white spruce, Alberta white spruce, and Porsild spruce. It's South Dakota's state tree, where it's also called Black Hills Spruce.

White Spruce wands are quirky and strong-willed. As Ollivander put it, they have their ideas when it comes to magic and will do what they want if their owner is nervous or weak-willed. Thus, the most successful owners of spruce possess great confidence and perform magic with exacting intent. Given the right (and mature) owner, this wand will be "intensely loyal" (per Ollivander, once again). These witches and wizards are independent and seem fearless. They interact with various groups of people well and do not shy at public speaking or confrontation. Given their boldness and individuality, they are often leaders or trendsetters. They know their quirks and wear them proudly. However, they can come off as arrogant when they question why others are not as confident or as fearless as them– they may assume their fearlessness is normal.

They deal with obstacles and tragedies with a sense of humor. They always try to look on the bright side and do their best to adapt their plans for the next time. This wand is capable of powerful, flamboyant, and dramatic magic. Both this wand and its owner like to entertain and test the limits of their strength. Due to their lack of fear and boundaries, they may not know when they've crossed the line of what is acceptable or not acceptable. Or what is dangerous or not dangerous. White Spruce Wands' talents lie in magics to do with birth, cleansing, and protection. There is also talent in healing to do with the respiratory system. Many spruce owners are talented at giving massages. They are great for charms, transfiguration, ancient runes, arithmancy, and astronomy. 

Burgundy sparks flicker out when performing magic. This wand is invigorated by cold temperatures and is stronger during wintertime or in cold environments. If it becomes too warm, it will grow weaker and emit sparks to signal its distress. Letting it soak in ice-cold water for an hour should help alleviate the issue. It will send a shock of cold to those who grab it without their owner's explicit permission. The scent of evergreen lingers around this wand.

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