Gumbo Limbo

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Bursera simaruba, commonly known as gumbo-limbo, copperwood, chaca, and turpentine tree, is a tree species in the family Burseraceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas from South Florida to Mexico and the Caribbean to Brazil, Jinotega in ...

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Bursera simaruba, commonly known as gumbo-limbo, copperwood, chaca, and turpentine tree, is a tree species in the family Burseraceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas from South Florida to Mexico and the Caribbean to Brazil, Jinotega in Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Bursera simaruba is prevalent in the Petenes mangrove ecoregion of the Yucatán, where it is a subdominant plant species to mangroves.

Gumbo-Limbo is a very unusual wand wood that is heavily prized in Florida. Owners of gumbo-limbo are bold folk, despite their often thin and tall stature. They tend to jump into situations head first and like to live without a particular destination or goal in mind. They seek a general feeling of accomplishment or enlightenment, no matter the place or subject. Despite this, they have a strong idea about what they want to feel and do. If something displeases them or makes them feel insecure, they may attack the cause of this discomfort/insecurity with great prejudice. When insecure, they can become overly sensitive and self-pitying. They are protective of their achievements and belongings. Not liking to share credit or responsibility, they have the tendency to take over a whole project during group work. Eloquent speakers, these witches, and wizards excel at using language rhetorically and learning new languages quickly. They can be a bit materialistic. It is important to them to have a fine appearance and to live in luxury. They believe that appearance does hint towards the nature of a person or place, especially their self-worth and confidence.

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