Carolina Hemlock

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Tsuga caroliniana, the Carolina hemlock, is a species of Tsuga, native to the Appalachian Mountains in southwest Virginia, western North Carolina, extreme northeast Georgia, northwest South Carolina, and eastern Tennessee

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Tsuga caroliniana, the Carolina hemlock, is a species of Tsuga, native to the Appalachian Mountains in southwest Virginia, western North Carolina, extreme northeast Georgia, northwest South Carolina, and eastern Tennessee. Its habitat is on rocky mountain slopes at elevations of 700–1,200 m. The optimal growing condition is a partly shady area with moist but well-drained soil in a cool climate.

Carolina Hemlock is a popular wand wood in the Appalachian Mountains. This member of the hemlock family as a wand wood makes for a cool wand, one which tends towards those who are the epitome of cool practicality, if occasionally prone to moments of cold rage. While this is not always the case and varies depending on the wand's core it is always the case when the core is Phoenix Feather. In addition to this, Carolina Hemlock wands are among the more adaptable but can become stuck in their ways if used in a focused manner towards a specific art.

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