Candlenut Tree

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Aleurites moluccanus, the candlenut, is a flowering tree in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, also known as candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras, or kukui nut tree, and Kekuna tree

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Aleurites moluccanus, the candlenut, is a flowering tree in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, also known as candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras, or kukui nut tree, and Kekuna tree. It is the state tree of Hawaii.

Hailing from tropical Asia and Hawaii, Candlenut is often found in the hands of those who believe in justice, this wand wood has a tendency to sometimes seek the overzealous, which can lead to some more dangerous tendencies. If, however, these tendencies are staved off, then wands of this wood are remarkably versatile, and take well to new spells and tests in the hands of their chosen wix.

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