My Opinions on Dress Codes

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*Disclaimer* I am in no way, shape, or form telling you that you need to share this opinion with me and I am not trying to force my ideas upon you! If you don't agree with me, that is fine, but please keep rude and hateful comments to yourself! You are more than welcome to share your own views but only if you can do so in a polite manner.

Why I'm Not a Fan of Dress Codes

I personally think that dress codes are much stricter with females than they are with males. I do not blame males for this at all. I blame those who create these dress codes, whether they are male or female. In the instance of school, I think dress codes imply that males are more entitled to education because if females' outfits don't conform to the dress code, they are forced to miss class when half of the time, it's quite a simple fix, whereas males simply just get to go about their day. It is oftentimes hard to conform to dress codes because of different body types and I think society needs to appreciate and celebrate that, instead of knocking people down. As a tall girl with extremely short and muscular legs and a very long abdomen region, it is very hard for me to find shorts that aren't tight and shirts that don't look cropped on me. I think people should be able to dress in what makes themselves comfortable and confident, as you're not going to be able to succeed without both of these things. I do not think that one dress code should be stricter than the other, but rather I think there should be equality in everything- salaries, education, and definitely dress codes.

What I Think Should Be Changed

While I do think some aspects of dress codes are necessary, most are not. In all honesty, I think teachers in school have more of a problem with how students dress than with how the kids are dressing. I talked to both males and females from where I lived and all said that they do not feel distracted by violations of dress codes, which goes to say something. These dress codes haven't been changed in years and, to be honest, are probably still left over from the Roaring 20s, and I think they should be modified to fit current times. I also think that if people find the article of clothing distracting, they should be the ones penalized, not the one wearing the clothing. After all, it is not the fault of the person wearing it that another person was distracted. If someone is truly distracted, then, by all means, they are more than welcome to remove themselves from the situation, but they should not be hindering the success of others.

** Again, please keep rude comments to yourself!**

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