Your body~M

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In this current generation,body
shaming  is a normal thing for people.     I had always been a thin girl. I am not chubby, never was and perhaps never will be. Growing up, I always came across people passing comments, sometimes with concern, sometimes just out of sheer pity and sometimes to make fun of my body. Imagine meeting your grandmother after a long period of time and the first thing she says  is, Oh! You've lost of weight. . I spent majority of my time lost in self critical thoughts, despising my body and comparing myself to others.Imagine being called "flat"(not having a flat chest) by your friends and family,it hurts a lot actually because they don't know but they're hurting people with their words.

We live in a society that is obsessed with everything. Fat is bad, dark is ugly, thin is sick. These "Too much" and "Not Enough" and "Wish i had" attitudes are something that we cultivate about our bodies each and every day. Most of us are  victims of "body shaming" especially via social media. When we fail to meet the supposed beauty standards, it takes a toll on our image of our self and makes us love ourselves less.
  The ones that are threatened most  by this ideal notion of beauty  are models and actresses because public  image is a part of their job . So, some of them resort to Plastic Surgery, Non Stop Workout, Dieting and Photoshop. The result is that they only make the problem worse by injecting unhealthy, unrealistic messages into our minds. By allowing this, they construct stereotypes that young women follow all over the world and establish a norm of the perfect body type.
  We need to teach young girls to love the way they are. Fat, Thin, Tall, Short does not matter as long as you are comfortable in your own skin. Body Hate isn't about your body - it's about your mind. Or rather, the thoughts in your mind. And what you feel about yourself is what you tend to project out into the world. We spend so much time criticizing ourselves, seeing all these products in the media to make your waist smaller, height taller, skin lighter. Why don't we try and move some of the focus away and start celebrating our bodies the way it is. When I learned to focus on positive aspects of my body and myself, it became much more easier to feel confident, outgoing and empowered. We are all unique, quite beautifully so, we are given the bodies that we have at birth. We can't change that. So, Why are we having this shame for our own beautiful bodies ? When did it become okay for other people to pass a judgement on how we look ?

So, Let's try and take a step closer to end Body Shaming. Let's love our bodies despite it's size. Let's try and fall in love with ourselves. Because if we don't then who will ?  This is your life and you get to play by your rules.
Just remember the hate is irrelevant.

So let's help one another and pass a nice message to each other in the comments.

Lots of love,

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤 ℂ𝕝𝕦𝕓 ☁︎☀Where stories live. Discover now