Insecurities | Ashima

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You know those voices you hear in your head? Saying things like "You can't do this" or "You'll never be good enough"? Those are insecurities. 

The word "insecurity" means "uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence." They develop when we compare ourselves to others and feel less than. They occur when we experience a consequence for being different from others in a perceived negative way or when we feel we do not measure up to where we "should" be. They can lead to things like anxiety and depression. 

As a child, I myself was a girl who had to deal with insecurities. I was deep in my shell and I compared myself to others often. This happened even more as I grew older, through the ages, and at some points, I was so trapped in my thoughts that I just wanted to lay in bed and do nothing. 

But what made me stop was when I realized the cause of these insecurities. I  was the cause of these insecurities. I  was the creator of them. compared myself to others. I  let the negativity get to me. didn't love myself. 

To stop an insecurity, you need to love yourself for who you are. You're not perfect. That's okay. Comparing yourself to others due to your imperfections? That's not okay. It's okay to have flaws. That's what makes up a human. You need to know that those voices in your head are false, that they are fake, and that they're just trying to get to you. You need to tell yourself it's okay to be different. It's okay to have flaws. It's okay to be human. 

You need to love yourself for who you are. That's when you really become whole. That's when the insecurities stop. 

Some affirmations that help with insecurities are: 

• I let go of my past insecurities and focus completely on feeling confident, secure, and independent.

• I am unique and worthy of love just as everybody else.

• I don't need to impress anyone.

• I am strong. 

• I am beautiful just the way I am. 

• My feelings matter. 

• I set clear boundaries and everyone respects all that I am.

Love yourself for you who are. That's what makes life amazing. That's when you'll really, truly feel whole. 

- Ashima (AutumnDahlia5) -

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