♔Mean girls, mean girls ~ The founder

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What do you know about me?
Do you wanna know what I think?
Mean girls, mean girls
Imma just comb you outta my curls
Mean girls, mean girls
You no longer run my world
Mean girls, mean girls
Imma just comb you outta my curls

Being bullied is a really difficult experience to go through.

As someone that was bullied every time she attended public school, I can confirm that the wounds of it take you a lot of time to get over.

I still sing the song above to reassure myself when I'm feeling inadequate and insecure.

I really like the "comb you out of my curls" lyric because one of the things I was bullied for was my thick, curly hair.

I was already insecure about my looks, so that just made it worse.

And my gentle, passive, personality didn't help things nor make the bullying stop.

It just made it so nearly everyday I came home from school I was upset.

This was in kindergarten and first grade.

Thankfully, my mom decided to home school me and my siblings for the rest of my elementary school career and my first year of sixth grade.

When I attended middle school for seventh grade though, I was bullied for quite a few things, including my curls, but it was also a slew of other things.

I was way out of my element.

Here I was, a soft spoken girl with good manners in a place full of people that were the opposite.

I used correct grammar and didn't really use slang like many of them, so that didn't help things.

As I've said before popular entertainment doesn't interest me, my own imagination does.

So, I knew pretty much nothing about pop culture, stans and fandoms, so that ruled me out of many conversations.

And I didn't have brand name clothes or shoes to wear, so my attire made me the target for many jokes of my fellow middle schoolers.

I'm a very sensitive person.

So their words hurt me.

Mean girls and mean boys seemed to get a lot of pleasure out of making me feel horrible about myself.

The main bully whom we'll call Meghan hated me so, so much, and I could not for the life of me figure out why.

I had never done anything to her, why did she despise me so vehemently?

It was horrible to say the least.

All I wanted was to experience middle school and make friends and here I was being laughed at for my clothes, my hair and my personality.

So, I tried to change into someone they would like.

I did my best to get brand name clothes, pretend to be interested in the things they were, and be more "cool" with my personality.

It still didn't help.

They still didn't like me.

Even when I made friends, I was always the outcast friend.

The friend that no one really liked much and left out of most things.

The group of "friends" I was in had been friends a long time, so I was just a newcomer making me feel even more left out.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤 ℂ𝕝𝕦𝕓 ☁︎☀Where stories live. Discover now