Stuck ~ Jasmine

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Do you ever just feel stuck where you are in life?

I do a lot.

It can feel very discouraging, especially if you know that you're stuck where you're at.

There's times where you're stuck because of something that's outside of control, sometimes it's in your control.

With some evaluation and thinking, it can be clear what you can and can't control in your life.

The stuff you can't control... it's not worth worrying about. It's completely fine to evaluate every so often what can be done to change or improve it in some way, though.

Here's some steps:

1. Evaluate your circumstances.

2. Decide if you can fix or improve them.

That test coming up? It's out of your control that it's coming, but you can improve your situation by studying and resting. That bad habit? Controllable, it just takes some work to replace with a healthy habit.

3. Make a plan, and implement it the best you can.

Set realistic goals for yourself that account for time, events, your mental state, etc. For example, if you have a busy day but you have to study for a test, try to set aside ten to fifteen minute increments at different points throughout the day to study, and don't stay up late to study.

There you go, I hope this helps! :)

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