Confidence is a Belief of Something Greater ~Abi

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Hi, amazing people, this is Abi!

A wise woman by the name of Christina Grimmie once said, "Confidence is not "they will like me." Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't,"

Don't let the lies swarm your head. You don't have to have 1000 people love you to be confident. You only need a select one and we love! I love you! But what is this confidence? What not is this confidence?


Confidence is not arrogance. We see people with "confidence" and "swagger" -- whatever you want to call it. Are these people truly confident? Do they have confidence in themselves or about their beliefs, but humble enough to admit when they are wrong?

What is arrogance?

According to the Dictionary, this is what arrogance means:

"1. Offensive display of superiority of self-importance; overbearing pride."

Confidence is being fine within ourselves, but not believe we're better than anybody else. We are all created equally. We are all loved by God equally. Being equal we are not above anybody.

I don't want you walking around believing that arrogance is confidence! Being prideful in yourself is not being confident. Most of the time arrogance in a person just makes us feel worse. Stop believing that arrogance is confidence.

People will say that you need to be popular, have it all together, etc. to be confident. You don't need a zillion friends nor have designer clothes for everyone to love you! You don't need to have your nose in the air or be snooty.

"The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate." -Proverbs 8:13

Arrogance is the way and love of evil! This is according to the wisest man recorded in history: King Solomon tells us that fear in the Lord is hatred of what is bad. I say it again -- arrogance is not confidence.

Arrogance is not confidence. Arrogance is believing you're better than people!


Confidence can be confusing! I have wondered on this for a long time. It's something I stay up at nights thinking about this and many other things. (Then again it's not very hard to get my mind going! XD)

I have always been told that I'm confident. But, what does that mean? What does it mean to be 'confident'?

Confidence is belief in your talents. That's what confidence is! But what does that mean?

The belief that you are something! The belief that people do love you! (No matter what you think) The belief that you don't always have to be right, but that's okay to be wrong! The belief that we are not bluffing and not just being nice! Because I know that has run through your mind. We do love you! It would have run through mine! The belief that people do care if you leave this world!

That's confidence! The belief that if one rejects you, one will accept you!

Confidence is a choice. I know it's difficult. I know that it's not something achieved overnight. It can take your whole life to achieve -- however, if you let yourself wallow in insecurities it will lead you nowhere!

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but... it's the truth!

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13

I don't know if you believe in a God; I don't know if you believe that Jesus died on the cross for us; but I do! Christ can give you strength and give you belief which leads to confidence.

This were I find my confidence. Because God will forever love no matter how bad I mess up.

To believe in yourself and not worry about the thoughts of others. The belief in a God that He made you wonderfully made!

Song of the day: His Daughter by Molly Kate Kestner

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If you ever need to talk please pm us!!

God bless! God loves you! BYE!


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