Family Problems are Frequent Problems~Gigi

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Hey guys! It's Gigi! I can't believe it's only been a week! I mean, it felt like a YEAR!! Good lord I could have sworn each day was a month and a half long. Well, it's the start of another business/school week. Let's hope this'll be a better one. 😄

Today I'll be talking about family relations. Specifically bad ones and how to fix them.

Everyone has a fight with their siblings or their parents every once in a while, but if it's frequent and you can't say that you trust them, there's a problem. Family is important.

Family doesn't end with just sibling and parents either. This includes really good friends. I would say that all my SGC Lovelies on here are my family. I love all of you and would trust my problems with you.

Keep in mind, every situation is different so you may need to change certain things. Also, there are different sections for brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, because how those four categories think are very different.

Sisters: Sisters fall into two different categories, older and younger. I, being the second of three girls in my family, have been on both sides of the equation. (No this isn't math, you can stop groaning now.)

With older sisters it will often take time because maturity is the key. I found that after I went through my first depressive episode, I matured greatly and could understand why they were always a bit testy. Keep in mind that older sisters have more responsibility and are under a lot of stress. It's always good to give them space and time to cool off. If it's a fight that lasts for more than a week, you need to talk it out. Family is about trust and honesty.

Older sisters will suck for a while, but as you mature they'll get better. This usually takes 9-17 years, depending on the person.

Younger sisters are very much the same, but the opposite. They will annoy the crap out of you. If you find yourself getting angry at them or them getting angry, excuse yourself and leave to your bedroom or a different room to give you both time to think over what you said or did. Always try to look at the problem from their perspective.

Younger sisters will not be as thoughtful or funny as you, because that comes with age. Give them time to mature. Sisters can be the greatest thing in a girls life, they're important. (If you don't have a sister that goes for your brother, or if you're an only child, it's your best friend. Not excluding sibling-less people, I'll talk about friend relationships in a later chapter.)

Brothers also branch into two categories. Now, while girls are more complicated than guys, men hold onto things longer and it is very hard to gain their trust.

Older brothers are easier to figure out than younger brothers. I have three older brothers, so it's safe to say I know a bit about them. Again, most of it has to do with maturity, also, if you're a girl, chances are you're much closer to your sisters because you relate to them more. Try finding common grounds with your brother, find a hobby you can do together, get good at it and have a friendly competition.

This is going to sound like I'm being sexist, but men are competitive and like the idea of going head to head against people. And this isn't just me talking, there's science behind it. Using brain scanners, neuroscientists have found that, from a study of 1000 people, men, on average, responded positively to the thought of competing in something. The study for women was inconclusive because they were all over the charts.

If you're in a big fight, just try to forgive them, or try to get them to forgive you. I can't say more than that, because forgive and forget is really the only principle that works.

Younger brothers are the same as younger sisters, because all young children are the same: give them time, it'll resolve itself. If they are annoying you, leave. Go cool down and come back, chances are he will have cooled down too.

Now, the hardest topic: Parents. There will be massive disputes with parents. The main ones usually are because of religion, sexual orientation, politics, and gender. Your parents should respect your decisions no matter what, even if they don't agree with it. I think that if your parents don't respect you, don't try to morph into what they want you to be. Be who you want to be, and eventually they'll come around. If it's a small dispute, like chores or you threw a tantrum, just leave for about 30 minutes to cool down, and apologize. It doesn't matter who was in the wrong, apologize, they will apologize back and all will be well.

Well, there you have it. Again, every situation is different, but I hope this helps you.

Song of the day: Hey Brother by Avicci

Quote of the day: Family don't end in blood. -Bobby (Jim Beaver)~ Supernatural

That's all for today guys! Have a nice day, and remember, no dispute is forever.

Stay strong~ Gigi ❤️❤️

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