You're A Beautiful Masterpiece ~Sophia

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Hello! It's Sophia! (jiminie_cricket1017 ) I am going to write about body image and the dissatisfaction of not being perfect! It's my very first time writing a chapter and I'm so excited! Anyways, I'm going to get right into it!


{story time}

Last year, around the beginning of June, I got into this whole mess of drama. I liked this boy from my church for a really long time, even though he liked another girl and she requited his feelings. I won't go into a lot of detail since I want to keep this as private as possible, but his entire family, one of my friend's entire family, and my entire family knew about my crush before long. It erupted into a huge, confusing, and beyond humiliating mess. It hurt so much because he essentially rejected me and everyone else knew, including all the parents.

I can officially say, it was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. I can't tell you how heartbroken I was after that, because he and I were never able to hold a conversation again. I not only lost my dignity but a good friend as well.

For the months after that, I became obsessed with the way I looked. I grew frightened of the mirror because I would see my ugly reflection that I thought had driven him away. I thought that he hadn't liked me because of how ugly I was. I cut my hair several times because I wanted to change and become a new, prettier person, but it never worked. No matter what I did, I thought I was absolutely hideous. My body was overweight and I was, honestly, quite a squishy person. I still am, but that doesn't change the fact that I saw a hippo when I stared at myself in the mirror.

After a while, I started to realize, what am I doing? Why am I beating myself up like this just because a boy rejected me?

It soon became apparent to me that I had almost become suicidal because of how ugly I thought I was. And that was my reality check. I told myself, I am definitely not killing myself just because I think I am not pretty enough. My life is more valuable and more important than my pride.

I decided I needed to change the way I saw myself, but I couldn't do that on my own. I needed God so badly in those months, that I really became dependent on him to change me. And slowly, but surely, he picked up the fractured pieces of my confidence and gave me a whole different perspective of myself. My heart took longer to heal, but I no longer felt the overwhelming need to look absolutely perfect.

But then, one day, I looked in the mirror, and I actually smiled at my reflection. I realized at that moment, that I didn't need that boy to like me to make me feel better about myself, I didn't even need me to think I was pretty for that matter. God was working in me that morning. He showed me that if he loves me, and calls me his child, I am not ugly and never will be. I am absolutely stunning in his eyes. And who needs other people's approval when I have my God's love? I'm beautiful in God's eyes.

And you know what? I actually took comfort in the fact that I would never look perfect to other people and myself because God still loves me with an unconditional and merciful love. I may not be gorgeous, but I know I am God's child and I find that beautiful.

Now, enough about me. Let's talk about you.





You are a beautiful person, a loved person, and a beloved child of God. Insecurities will never change immediately and completely overnight, but I just want to encourage you that you have an almighty God who loves you. I certainly love you! And I think you are absolutely stunning.

Maybe you don't think that or even others, but DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THEM OR YOURSELF.

You are your biggest hater, so be careful not to fall down that hole, because take it from me, it's extraordinarily hard to pull yourself from that dark place. Do not be tricked by others or yourself into falling down that abyss.

You do not need other people's approval and you definitely do not need to change yourself just to fit their definitions of perfect. You are more than perfect as you are.

God thinks you're absolutely lovely, and so do I.

You are one of a kind and there will never be another person like you. Always remember that everyone else is taken, so you be you!

You are priceless. And never let anyone, or yourself, tell you otherwise.

The image you see in the mirror that you might think is ugly, is a complete lie. Don't you ever believe what it tells you.

I know how hard it can be to believe a stranger but trust me. You're drop-dead gorgeous.

I love you, with all my heart. Bye! Till next time!

~ Sophia :)


( ^.^)/ ~ <3 <3 <3

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