You don't need school

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This post isn't what you think.
So don't @ me until you've read the entire thing.
I have a lot of friends starting school in the next few weeks, and many of them are stressed out and upset.
One of them was so upset she almost killed herself over it.
And for what?
Teachers that give you anxiety attacks if  you don't meet the requirements for an assignment?
Parents that make you feel bad about yourself if you don't get a good grade in every subject?
I'm going to be completely honest with you.
I hate the way the school system is set up.
I hate it.
For a plethora of reasons, the main one being,
it does NOT explore kid's potential like it could.
Why do I say that?
Because as Albert Einstein said,
Everyone is a genius.
But if you  judge a  fish based on its ability to climb a tree.
It will live its entire life believing its stupid.
And he couldn't be more right.
So many of you are that fish, you never find your gifts, and believe you are stupid.
Because you couldn't  solve for X or didn't know what year Napoleon was born in.

Leading me to my second reason which is that

School kills creativity.
In my opinion, every school should be a performing arts school.
Why does the mathematician get to feel good about them self from a grade, but the dancer does not?
As he also said, in the video above,
Sure, math is important but no more than art or dance.
Of course we need to know how to read, write, basic math skills, some history, and science, but those aren't the ONLY things we need to know.

Different people have different gifts,  and different needs,  and different dreams, so why would you teach every student the same things?

There are gifted programs in many schools, for those that are more developed academically, but everyone is gifted.

Everyone has something that makes them special, most schools do not explore that.

Reason 3:
School makes you believe you need education to succeed.

These are a few BILLIONAIRES that didn't go to or dropped out of college,
David Geffen (He owns Dreamworks)
David Green (The owner of Hobby Lobby)
John Paul Dejora ( Founder of Paul Mitchell products and the Patron drink)
John Dejora was in fact in told he would NEVER succeed at anything.
Oh they just got lucky, you might say.
Or maybe they took the opportunity to reject what was normal and go after their dreams instead of letting an ancient institution decide things for them.
Maybe we all should do that.

Reason 4:
School produces robots.
Did you know schools were set up to train people to work in factories?
Which as Prince explained is why you have to raise your hand to speak,
Only have a few hours to eat, and are set up in straight rows, and for eight hours each day are told what to think.
And don't forget competing to get a grade.

Which leads me to my next reason for despising the school system.

Reason 5
School gives people low self esteem.
Alot of honor students deserve the credit they get.
Don't get me wrong.

Im not trying to diminish anyone's hard work.

But it shouldn't always be a competition to see who can be the best.
Because what about those that tried their hardest and still didn't succeed?
I'm not saying it should be an everybody wins millennial mentality, but if someone has tried their absolute hardest and still don't succeed they don't deserve to feel like a failure over a letter on a piece of paper.
No two brains are the same.

One person's A plus might be another person's F minus, we all have things we're good at  and things we suck at.
School shouldn't get to decide that just because you aren't good at someone you deserve an F for failure.

Reason 6
School doesn't care about teachers.
What an important job teachers have.
Kids spend EIGHT hours a day with them!
Teachers help raise kids...
And not only are many of them underpaid, but they aren't given the opportunity to help EVERY student reach their potential.
Only academically gifted ones.

Curriculum is made by policy makers, and most of them haven't taught a day in their life.
But they get to decide what goes into our minds.

Reason 7
Standardized tests are garbage.
Frederick J, Kelly THE CREATOR OF these tests regretted making them and said,
"These tests are too crude to be used. And should be abandoned."
Which explains why kids are having anxiety attacks and wanting to kill themselves over them.

Reason 8:
School HAS the potential to be better, and yet....

Finland has the best school system in the world.
They have shorter school days there.
Teachers are actually paid fairly.
There isn't even homework there.
Their focus isn't competition its collaboration.
Schools have the potential to be better and to make a POSITIVE impact on our lives.
So, what is the problem here?

In conclusion, I'm not at all saying go drop out of school, and run away from your parents.

I'm just saying please don't let the schooling system determine your worth and value.
Don't let a flawed institution make you feel like a failure.

I realize that you may need school to learn some things.
But you certainly don't need it to learn everything.
It can help you be successful.
But you don't need school to be successful.
It can teach you and help you do things.
But you don't need school to grow and pursue things.
It can help you feel confident as a person.
But you don't need school to be confident in yourself.
It can help you find your place in the world.
But you don't need school to help you find your place in the world.
This is a world where you can be anything you want to be, if you have faith and don't give up.
This is a world where all is possible, and nothing is out of your reach.

This is a world where I believe,
A world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤 ℂ𝕝𝕦𝕓 ☁︎☀Where stories live. Discover now