Disagreements and misunderstandings ~ Rylee

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Hey guys! Rylee here with another post that some of you may need. Throughout my life I had many disagreements and misunderstandings. So today I'm going to talk about those situations and how to handle them. I know when you and a family or friend are having a disagreement or misunderstanding it can be tough. So I hope you enjoy my little post today, and I hope it helps you in some way.

Have you ever had an argument or a disagreement with a friend? Or may a simple misunderstanding? It can be a little scary especially when you and that friend aren't currently talking at the moment. These situations can be hard on both sides but it doesn't mean it can't be fixed.

Growing up I had many disagreements and misunderstandings. I had a silly little disagreement with my sister when we were little over who the Red Knight threw the rose to. (Note for Squeakers: Hehehe. It was me, Squeakers. He threw it at me and I caught it. Then you snatched it away from me and you know it XD)

I also had a misunderstanding with a friend in 7th grade. (I think I actually covered that one in a post but if I haven't I will probably share it with you guys later) But the more recent one was with a friend me and my sister used to be close to. Can you guess what it was about? Politics.

Now let me be clear here before I go on to talk about anything else. This post isn't made to discuss politics because people always start arguments over it for one reason or another. This just happens to be the reason we ended up in the situation we are currently in. And let's just say now I fully understand why my parents say things like "Don't discuss who you vote for with others."

They say this because sadly many people today get into many fights over this controversial topic. Because of this topic many friendships have ended and to be honest it's very sad to see that happen. In my opinion we shouldn't let topics like politics or anything else ruin the relationships we have with the people in our lives.

It has been four or five months since then. And to be honest we really haven't talked. Which really hurts me because I'm the type of person to want to make things right. I will admit when I'm wrong and say sorry and want to talk things out. This friend I'm currently having a disagreement with for this story let's call her Tara. Now Tara and her sister who we will call Bailey were both really close friends of me and my sister.

Actually Bailey and Squeakers became best friends in third grade. We eventually started going to church together and having sleepovers. Many of which were the four of us would sit down and talk about life and the challenges that came along with it. We even had discussions about God and our faith and gave each other important advice.

After the disagreement with Tara, she hadn't tried to talk with us or even come over to spend the night. Before this it was hard to get her to come over but we didn't worry about it. But now it just seems like she can just ignore all messages and try to avoid hanging out or running into us. My sister and I of course want to talk with her but we decided it's best to let her come to us and talk when she's ready.

So far she hasn't done so and it's really getting at me. My negative thoughts are even coming back to haunt me with things like "It's your fault." Or "You're annoying." Luckily though for us, Tara's sister Bailey is still very good friends with us. We even sat down together and talked about our worries concerning our friend. Turns out Bailey shares a lot of the same worries we do for her very own sister.

She even said that Tara can be stubborn at times and have a hard time trying to work things out with people in her life. So my advice in a situation like this is to number one give your friend some space. Second advice I can give you on disagreements is to try to talk things out and listen to them. The third piece of advice I can give you is to talk with a trusted family or friend on the issue and how they would suggest going about it. My last piece of advice would go to those who are religious is to pray to God about it.

Honestly as you can imagine this situation hadn't been easy for me. I haven't talked about it with many friends because I feel like they will dismiss it or won't fully understand the problem I have. That's because of my negative thoughts and my friend group which is very diverse in many ways. Hopefully sometime soon though my friend will soon be willing to talk things out with me and my sister. But as of right now we have settled on giving her space, letting her know she can talk to us when ready, talk with trusted adults, and pray on it.

Misunderstanding though is a little bit of another story. I had my fair shares of misunderstanding, especially living with autism. A good example of this would be when my mom told me and my sister to do our chores. My sister told my mother she had school work she was working on and couldn't do her chores at that moment. Of course I didn't hear this conversation and assume she was just being disrespectful again and told her to get up so we can get our chores done.

What happened next though I really didn't expect to happen, especially from my own sister. My sister got angry at this and grabbed her flip flop and threw it right at my face. Of course I got upset and started crying. Long story short my parents sat us down and talked it out with us. My mom told my sister that it was wrong of her to throw things at me. But she didn't let the opportunity pass of making a joke with me being half mexican and getting la chanclas thrown at my face by my sister. Yes… I know… haha very funny right. 😂🤣

But anyways when it comes to misunderstanding here's my advice on how to help when dealing something like this. First try to stay calm, if you can't get offline or go to another room and give yourself time to cool down. Second figure what went wrong. Third try saying your message in a different way or try asking the person to restate it in a way you can understand better. Don't be afraid to ask this, after misunderstanding happens. It's very common and can be fixed. Fourth make sure your message gets across and listen to what the is saying. Another tip is don't jump the gun on a simple misunderstanding like me and my sister did. XD

Anyways I hope this post has helped you with disagreements and misunderstandings a little bit. Maybe my story has helped you in some way. If so I'm glad to hear it. Until next time! See ya later. ❤️ midnightdeadroses

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