Be yourself~M

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Hey guys it's Michelle and I'd really like to address a topic which all of us really need to adhere to.
I'm sure we've all changed schools or were freshmen and we saw the popular kids doing things and you wanted to be like them. You talk like them,dress like them,eat like them and even walk like them. You even give up on your true friends and go to them. Well you have to stop because you might not know but your change in personality might have actually affected others. You do things which your old self don't do and brush it off like nothing happened. I'm saying from Experience because I once was in that situation. I was a freshman and I really wanted to be popular and have many friends.I was still popular but not very. I'm a very smart student and I still am but after not being myself I dropped in my grades, I still passed but it wasn't how my former self passed exams. I was really sad about this and all but I made a promise to myself to just be myself later on

Sorry guys I'm drifting away from the topic but I hope you get what I mean.

I believe it’s important that we are always be ourselves even if it means we don’t fit in with other people.
because when we are not truly ourselves
it is impossible for us to be happy,to be fulfilled,to be able to be freely talked to by others.
So when you’re hanging with people that you really don’t fit with, and you get that feeling deep down,
that’s your inner self telling you, you’re not comfortable, which means you’re not happy, so it’s super important, that we are always, always, fully ourselves.
Be true to you.

See, no one can tell you what a successful life is.
No one can tell you what a great life is.
No one can tell you how to be happy, or what you should or shouldn’t be doing with your life.
No one can.Because YOU are unique and special in your own way. God created us and he created us to be unique.

What lights up another may dim your light.The ONLY way you can be happy in this life…
The ONLY way you can be successful…
Is if you be YOU!Now listen,
the only way to get the most out of this life is to follow your own path!

To follow your own intuition.
To listen to your own heart.

That’s where the answers are.
The answer to every question you need the answer for.

So many are unhappy in this world, because they are living lives they don’t want to live, so they can fit in,
or maybe someone completely different from them gave them advice on how they should be living.

YOU ARE UNIQUE. You must follow your UNIQUE path.Be yourself!

This doesn’t mean that there isn’t useful information out there.There are so many great teachers to learn from.It simply means you only take in what resonates with you.What you KNOW will work for YOU.

Get out of your head and into your heart.

Do the things that make you light up!
Do the things that make you forget to check your phone.
More of the things that make you smile, MORE of the things that make you laugh like a little kid!
MORE of the things that make YOU proud to be YOU!

You only get one shot at this life.
One opportunity to LIVE FULLY.
One opportunity to create some MAGIC.

It’s ok to say no sometimes.
To say no with PASSION. With authentic certainty because you know what is best for you!

Not everyone will get it, and that’s ok.
The right people will walk the path with you and most won’t be able to resist… because someone who is GENUINELY, who is authentically loving life, doing EXACTLY what they want to do…. that person is infectious!

Real passion is infectious!
Wake up with passion everyday!


I believe it’s important we go for everything we want in life
because we only have one life to live
So we have to give it everything we’ve got
and try to make our dreams, our hopes, our aspirations become reality.

I hope you learn from this topic and be yourself. Don't be someone you're not. BE YOURSELF!💖~M

Love you guys❤

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