"You know, I don't mind being your fuck buddy. Even though I want to be with you and treat you better than trev ever could, I really like just being with you in general." He said and I smiled weakly.

"I like being with you too." I said and he rubbed my thigh.

"Trev really had everything with you. You're literally perfect. Your features, body, you have a good job, you love like crazy, and you're not crazy. A lot of girls are fucking insane nowadays." He said and I chuckled.

"You better be careful talking like that." I said.

"Why? What are you gonna do about it?" He asked and I smirked and sat up.

"It turns me on." I said as I pulled my hair back into a pony tail. He smirked and I grabbed his length and stroked him slowly before putting my mouth around his tip. He was a good guy. He really was someone I could see myself with, and I wanted to make sure he knew that.

* * *

Sawyer stayed at my house for two days and it was so fun. We actually went out and did things and he took me to a park and we walked around and talked about literally everything. I talked to him about what happened with trevor and when and where things started going wrong. He really listened and he talked to me and I loved it. I told him how I felt guilty talking to him too because he was his best friend but he made me feel better. He told me trev took what he had for granted and he was right. I didn't need to feel guilty if I wasn't being treating how I should have been and he helped me understand that.

We also went out to the movies and even though we made out almost the entire movie, it was still fun and made me happy. I liked getting my mind off things with him.

When we got back to my house though, trevs car was in the driveway and I literally wanted to cry. I was so tired of the arguing and I knew he would have seen sawyer either way and I knew it would have started an argument.

"Just leave. Thanks for tonight." I said and he shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"I'm not letting you go in there by yourself. He's going to freak out on you." He said.

"I don't care. I can handle it. I don't want there to be a fight between you two. Sawyer, please. Thank you for tonight. It made me happy." I said and kissed his cheek and he got out the car when I did. He walked me to the door and I begged him quietly to just go back to the car and to leave but he opened the door and motioned me to walk in. I sighed and did and trev was sitting on the couch watching TV. The kids weren't even with him. He looked up at me and we awkwardly made eye contact. I didn't even know what to say. Especially since I walked in with sawyer.

"Hey." He said softly and I nodded.

"Hey." I said and he looked up at sawyer.

"Hi." He said and sawyer nodded slowly and mumbled and "hi".

"Did you bring the kids back?" I asked.

"Yeah. I tucked them in already. I just didn't want to leave them alone because you weren't here." He said.

"You could have texted me." I said.

"Didn't want to bother you." He said.

"Okay." I said and he got up.

"I have to talk to you but I'll stop by tomorrow or something. I took the kids out with Cooper today. They loved it." He said.

"Okay. That's good." I said.

"Yeah. I'll see you." He said.

"See you." I said and sawyer watched him walked out and he shut the door behind him.

"That was fucking weird." He said.

"Do you think he'll get better? Change?" I asked.

"I don't even know. He's screwed me over too many times." He said.

"Who are you telling?" I asked and he smiled weakly and grabbed my hand and kissed me.

"Do you want me to stay the night?" He asked.

"You can." I said.

"I know I can. Do you want me to?" He asked.

"I just don't want to be alone." I said and he nodded.

"Then I'll stay. We can cuddle and fuck." He said and I laughed and playfully hit his chest and he chuckled.

"I'm serious." He said and I nodded.

"I know you're serious." I said and he nodded.

"Come on. Lead the way, cutie." He said and I chuckled and walked up the stairs. He followed me and I could already sense him staring at my ass on the way up. He went to the bedroom, but I stopped and checked on the kids to make sure they were okay. I really did miss them so much when they were with trev. I went to kenz sleeping and kissed her head and I did the same to dak before going to the bedroom.

"Do you think trev broke his sobriety?" Sawyer asked and I shook my head.

"No. I don't think he will this time. He might be drinking now, but he won't go back to the drugs. He was serious about that. He promised me he wouldn't." I said and he shrugged.

"He promised you a lot." He said.

"Yeah, and he broke a lot of promises. I just know him. I know he was serious about that and he wouldn't ruin it. He cares too much about the kids and everything. We still have to talk things out-he wouldn't do that to me either." I said and he nodded.

"I hope not. I hope he just focuses on the kids and making things civil between you two again. It was weird seeing him fine when I walked in with you." He said as he pulled his shirt off over his head and I sighed.

"Can we just cuddle tonight? I'm not in the mood for anything else." I sighed and he nodded. He got undressed down to his boxers and I threw on one of Trevor's t-shirts and panties and laid down. I guess it wasn't the best idea to wear Trevor's shirt while sleeping with Sawyer, but I was comfortable.

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