Avengers ~ Homevideos

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A/N: Request from @DrSmooth
Can you do a one-shot where the Avengers are snooping through Tony's lab and they see videos of him and Peter and they realize he's nice then they thought?

Warnings: Swearing, Maybe a spoiler to Endgame, Tony and Peter cuteness, sex joke

Words: 2346

Italics means what's happening in the videos

"Wait, you lost me there, " Tony says as Peter is panicking over a girl at school.

"Her name is Michelle and I really wanna ask her out, " Peter says slower. "So, " Tony says with a shrug as he sips on hot coffee.

"I-I don't know how, " he stutters and Tony chuckles, "Don't laugh at him, Stark, " Steve chastises and places a hand on his back.

"Listen, just be yourself and confident, don't panic, " Steve says and Peter nods, "That's lame, " Tony says frankly.

Tony rushes behind Peter and massages his shoulders, "This is what you gotta do. Go to her real smooth amd then tap on her a-" Tony wasn't able to his sentences because Steve covered his mouth.

"Tony stop it!" He spits and releases him, "Don't listen to Tony, just go with your gut, " Steve clarifies and checks the time.

"Gotta get to the bus, " Peter mutters, "I'll drive, " Tony says and grabs a pair of keys to a very expensive car. "Don't take his advice, " Steve whispers to the kid and he nods.

"Since when did you know how to ask out a dame?" Bucky asks jokingly, "Shut the hell up, James, " Steve rolls his eyes, "Such violence, " Buck teases and grabs a mug for coffee.

"Oh, I have a question that you don't have to answer, " Bucky says and Steve sighs, "Did you and Peggy ever get together?" He asks and Steve gets a butterfly in his gut.

He misses her greatly and he shrugs, "We had a date, but I crashed into the Arctic, " Steve sighs, "Sorry, I saw that compass on your dresser and I couldn't help, but ask, " Bucky says and pats his flesh hand on his life long friends back.

"You'll find someone, " Bucky says, "Too old for that, " Steve says and Natasha storms into the kitchen, "Oh bullshit, " she cusses and then speedwalks out of the kitchen and into the hallway with Sam, Wanda, and Scott trailing behind.

"Y'all gotta date or something?" Bucky asks and Natasha turns on her heels to face the two World War Two vets.

"No, Tony's gone and out of the lab and we are feeling like snooping, " she says, "Wanna join? Or are you too old, "

Steve rolls his eyes and joins the group along with Bucky.

They speedwalk down the hallways and Natasha does her little spy, hacking thing and we are in.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, make sure you tell us when Tony gets back, " Bucky says, "Will do, " Confirms the A.I.

"Wow, this is a lot, " Sam says as he gawks at the different suits and tools. "This is impressive. You know for as much as can asshole Stark is, the guy is smart, " Scott says fiddles with an Iron Man head.

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