The Right Time

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"Bye!" I called out after him.

I set down the knife I was using to slice the strawberries, and I walked over to the radio that was set up on the counter. I clicked it on and danced around the kitchen, grabbing multiple tupperware containers to separate the different fruits.

Everything was going great, life was going great. In the past two months Justin and I had worked on our relationship, making it better for us together and our individual selves. Not that anything was really wrong between us, but spending the time together with us, and just us, taught us so much more about each other than what we actually knew from the previous four years we've spent together.

We were happier than ever.

Time passed slowly with each passing song that played through on the selected playlist that was playing, and I couldn't careless. I continued meal prepping, cutting up fruit, putting fruit in bowls, and putting them away, dancing while doing it.

My stomach flipped and suddenly a lump formed in my throat, making my tongue tingle. Oh no. I sprinted to the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat as vomit spewed out of my mouth, barely making it into the toilet bowl. I sat there on my knees in front of the now messy toilet and sighed. That was weird.

I walked upstairs, brushed my teeth, and went back downstairs to clean up any mess that may have been made. Anything and everything hit my mind all at once: why did I just throw up? Is it food poisoning? The flu? Should I go to the doctors?

So many possibilities skipped through my mind, but one in particular never left: was I pregnant? I couldn't be. I mean, sure. It was a possibility. Justin and I had clearly have had sex in the past two month, and I mean a lot of sex.

But this can't happen for me. I can't get pregnant.

I never went to a doctor, only because I didn't want to hear those four words come out of a professional's mouth. But, I just assumed since it has never happened before.

My mind flashed back to the past nights that Justin and I got intimate; one night, three weeks ago in particular. Justin and I were tangled in the sheets all night, going round after round, not because we were trying to conceive a child but because we were craving each other so much more than usual.

I could still feel the wet kisses he left down my neck and the sweet yet aggressive way he held on to my thighs as he pounded into me over and over again that night, sending chills down my spine.

I need to know.

I went back to the bathroom in Justin and I's room and dug through the cabinets pulling out the boxes of unused pregnancy tests I bought months ago. I unwrapped the wand, throwing the trash on the floor and immediately I began the process. I drank a glass of water and waited until the urge to pee overcame my body, and once it did I wasted no time at all to pee on the stick.

I set the stick on the tub, and pressed my back against the wall with my knees to my chest. I set the timer and waited. It felt like hours passed until the timer actually went off and when it did, I froze.

What if it's negative? I don't want to go through this again. I don't want to go through the pain and doubt in my female abilities to produce a child. I can't.

I sat there not moving, I stared at the stick that was sitting on the tub wondering what it said this time. I needed to know, but I didn't want to know. But, I knew I had to look.

My heartbeat quickened and I took in a deep breath before grabbing the pregnancy stick in my hand. I looked down at the test and when I did, I screamed.


This was happening, I was going to be a mom and Justin was going to be a dad. This was real life and it was happening.

What if it's a false positive? I questioned myself. Maybe the test is old and it's not really a positive? I bought these two months ago. I needed a new one.

I quickly slipped on my shoes and ran to my car that was parked in the large driveway, pulling out in a rush but carefully all at once. I found the closest CVS and parked the car, practically sprinting into the store and right to isle nine, the isle I found myself in a lot a few months ago.

I grabbed the box and walked over to the cashier, handing over the box and the ten dollars it cost. The whole way home I found myself holding my stomach, hoping and pleading internally that there was actually a little human in there.

I raced back up to the bathroom, peeing on the three new sticks and waiting for each result. Time passed incredibly slow and I was growing more and more impatient. I paced the bathroom and crossed my fingers, this has to be it.

The timer went off again, and I looked over at the three tests that were sitting on the counter with the results displayed:



And Pregnant.

I'm a mom. I'm a mom. I'M A MOM! I couldn't stop the tears from falling. The happy tears. It was our time.

"Baaaaaaabe!" I heard Justin yell happily from downstairs, and the front door slam behind him.

I stayed quiet and Justin once again burst into the bathroom. He sighed and his expression fell: I was on the floor crying with multiple pregnancy tests sprawled out around the floor.

"Baby, I know it's hard-"

"I'm pregnant," I cried, cutting him off.

"Wait, what?" Justin questioned, shaking his head in confusion.

"I'm pregnant. You're going to be a dad, I'm going to be a mom. We're going to be parents!" I exclaimed, tears still falling from my tear ducts.

Justin dropped to his knees as a smile took over his face, "Oh my god, babe. We did it!" he cheered, reaching for my stomach.

We sat there holding each other on the bathroom floor, just like we did two months ago. Except this time, the time was right

Justin Bieber imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon