I Love You

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You walk out of the kitchen and see Justin stretched out on the couch. You stare at him and just smile to yourself. He sees you coming over, he sits up and holds out his hands reaching for the popcorn. "Hungry?" you ask giggling. "You know popcorn's my weak spot." Justin laughs. You just smile and sit down next to Justin, resting your head on his chest. He raps one of his arms around your shoulder while he plays with your hair with the other. The movie starts and Justin still won't stop staring at you. "Justin....are you even watching the movie?" You ask confused. He doesn't reply and just keeps on staring at you, you raise an eyebrow and wonder what's wrong. "Justin..did you even hear what I said?" Justin finally snaps out of it and says, "of course but I just couldn't stop focusing on how beautiful you are." You couldn't help but blush. Justin starts leaning in closer and closer. You stare into his gorgeous hazel eyes, as his lips meet yours. You could feel his lips curve into a smile, you couldn't help but smile too. After a couple of minutes of kissing Justin pulls back. He studies your face and begins to smile. In a soft voice, he says, "I love you and I'll stay by your side until death splits us apart." You begin smiling and says, "I love you to the moon and back Justin, and not even death will break us apart." 

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now