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The music boomed through the speakers as I danced, an almost empty glass in my hand. I'd lost sight of Justin a while ago, but I kept an eye out for him as I danced.
I felt a tugging on my waist, making me fall back lightly. I turned to catch a glimpse of Justin before he buried his face in my neck. My hand moved back and wrapped around his neck and went up through his hair, he let out a soft moan of appreciation, making me smirk.
"Can we go home?" He mumbled in my ear, his arms locked me against his body as he swayed us both from side to side.
"You don't wanna stay longer? It's not usually until later when you get so worked up you drag me out." I chuckled, taking a sip of my drink and turning around to face him.
"I don't feel too good and my heads pounding like hell." He pouted down at me, he winced each time the beat rang through the room. "I mean, you could stay and I'll see you when you get home, but.." He trailed off.
"But what?" I hid a smirk as I knew what was coming.
"I'll be all alone and I'll have no one to play with my hair and tell me they love me while feeding me soup." He placed his head back into the crevice in my neck. I giggled at his cuteness before placing my drink down on the nearest surface.
"Come on, let's go." I grabbed his hand and pushed through the sweaty body's that were jiving around the room. Justin let out a sigh of relief as the cool, crisp air hit our faces.
The car ride was uncomfortable to say the least. Justin let out multiple groans and grunts all the way home, as he claimed he was going to throw up any second, which he didn't. The way he does whenever he's ill, he feels the need for some sort of body contact, so if his hand wasn't on my thigh, his head was on my shoulder.
By the time we reached the house, Justin's face had turned pale with his cheeks a rosy pink. I climbed out and witnessed the gathering crowd of paparazzi stood waiting, their flashes instantly setting off when they saw Justin. He winced as his hands came in front of his face, he held onto my hand tightly.
"Justin, are you drunk? [Y/N], is he high?" I almost laughed at their insinuations.
"No, he's fucking sick." I muttered, tightening my grip on his hand and pulled him up to the door.
Once the door was closed and the silence hit, I closed my eyes in bliss. Meanwhile, Justin climbed the stairs slowly, his jacket and shoes still on him.
I sent a sympathetic look after him and kicked my heels to the side. Walking into the kitchen, I started preparing him some food that wouldn't make him bring it all back up, and a glass of ice water.
"Baby!" Justin shouted from upstairs, a gag following, making me cringe and grab the tray, making my way up the stairs and to the bedroom.
I didn't see Justin when I walked in, but the bathroom light told me he was occupied. I placed the tray at the end of the bed and proceeded to change from the uncomfort of my dress to one of Justin's shirts.
Just as I was pulling the shirt over my bare chest, Justin staggered out of the bathroom. I tutted at him sympathetically. "Better in than out, right?" He just groaned in response, climbing into bed. "Justin, come on. You're not doing this right, you need to get comfortable, not just curl up in a ball." I sighed, sliding his shoes off of his feet, followed by his socks.
"Sit up." I ordered softly to which he followed, I pulled his white shirt over his head, folding it neatly and did the same with his trousers. "Now, get under the covers and get comfortable." He followed my advice, sighing as his head hit the pillow.
"Here's your food, at least try some. And some water to wash it down." I put the tray on the table beside the bed, stealing a grape as I did so. "I'll be downstairs if you need anything, okay?" I pecked his forehead.
"No, you gotta stay with me." He whispered, holding onto my shirt. "Just lay with me so I can touch you." He pulled the covers up so I could climb in. "That sounded so wrong but I promise, I won't grope you." He frowned, making me chuckle.
I climbed in and hugged his waist, pecking his chest soothingly. My hands motioned shapes on his back as he breathed heavily. "I love you." I muttered against his skin, feeling his heart beating in his chest.
"I love you too, princess. Thank you for putting up with me when I'm like this." His thumb rubbing my back, soothing me also.
"It's not me 'putting up with you', it's just me taking care of you." I shrugged, my eyes still closed.
It was silent for a moment, making me think Justin was settled. "I can't wait for the future with you; we're gonna get married and have kids and it's gonna perfect." He spoke casually with his eyes closed, startling me.
"You've thought about that?" I looked up at him, taking in his beauty.
"Mhm," He nodded, his head readjusting but his eyes never opening. "I think about it all the time, I can't wait."
And that night, I somehow went from taking care of Justin while he was ill, to hearing about our whole future he'd planned out.

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