Pregnant (4)

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You stared at the new layer of fat on your abdomen. Honestly you'd think Justin would've noticed the extra chub by now. You'd known for a few weeks that you were pregnant, and now everything seemed dangerous. The fact that your hormones were out of whack was probably why you hadn't told Justin yet.

You'd always wanted to be a young mom and he'd always wanted to be a young dad. Multiple times during your relationship you and Justin had discussed having a family. Now that you were married, you knew that he wanted to have those children with you for sure. So why did this seem SO scary.

Logically, you knew Justin would be happy, but emotionally, old doubts came back.

"He doesn't love you, he finds you disgusting, he's going to think you're ugly once you start putting on baby weight and then he'll cheat." Your brain swirled with these lies.

"No!" You told yourself. "No he wouldn't do any of those things, he loves you and this was just your stupid bad self esteem trying to get to you."

You decided to find a cute way to tell Justin you were pregnant. You finally thought of a great way. One of Justin's favorite meals was spaghetti, you would go get a custom label made for Prego tomato sauce, and then ask him to help you with dinner.

Justin got home from the studio a little later than expected, which was fine seeing as you needed the time to make the label. When he got home he looked worn out. You hoped he wouldn't say he was too tired to help with dinner. After all you weren't actually gonna make him make it, you could make it, but you wanted him to get the jar of specially labeled sauce from the cupboard.

"Hi babe," you said sweetly to Justin kissing him lightly.

"Hi," he mumbled.

"Look baby," you started, and almost didn't finish because Justin's eyes looked so exhausted.

"I know you're tired, but can you just help me with supper real quick, just the spaghetti sauce." Justin grunted in agreement, dragging himself to the cupboard and you followed. You went to the oven and checked on the simmering noodles.

"Make sure you get the right one honey," you told him from the stove.

"It's Prego, check the label," you could hardly contain my excitement as you watched him pick up the sauce.

"Wait a second," Justin said slowly.

"Y/n is this real!" Justin questioned holding up the jar that was labelled

"Y/n and Justin are Prego!"

"Yeah," You said while grinning hugely. "We're going to have a baby."

"Oh my God," Justin laughed picking you up and spinning you around. He kissed you deeply, then bent down to speak to your stomach.

"Hi baby Bieber," he lifted your shirt, and gently kissed your stomach. You knew that all your stupid doubts were just that, stupid. He was going to be a great dad.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now