Why did you leave?

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You got a call from Scooter the other day asking you to check up on Justin. Lately all you seem to notice was Justin's name appear on the headlines and you knew he was going through a tough time. You were a little hesitant on going considering the fact you haven't seen Justin since you left him a few months ago, but you decided to see him just this once.
You walk into Justins house remembering where he kept the spare key. You searched around but you weren't able to find him. Suddenly you hear the sound of guitar strums coming from the balcony. Confused, you walk towards the balcony to see Justin with his guitar. You suddenly became nervous, you weren't sure what his reaction would be when he sees you. You take a deep breath before opening the balcony door.
Justin immediately looks up, shocked. You give him a small smile as you close the balcony door before walking towards him.
"What are you doing here?" Justin asks, you weren't sure if he was shock to see you or upset. You take a few steps towards him.
"Scooter told me you would be here..." You say quietly, trying your best not to sound nervous. You didn't know why you felt so anxious and scared but it's been about 3 months since you since last saw him and you didn't know what to expect from him.
He looks at you before turning away to look at the street below us. "Look, If you're just here to tell me things I don't have time for, you can just leave..." He says bitterly.
"Why are you acting like this?" You ask sounding hurt, even though you guys weren't together you hate seeing him like this.
Justin takes a deep breath before looking at you once again. "You left." He says harshly, you looked into his eyes and his expression was hurt and angry.
You suddenly felt a pang of guilt through your chest. "Justin..."
"What happened? We were just doing fine and suddenly you left. You left without telling me, without any explanation. Now you're going to fucking ask why I'm acting like this!?" He yells, causing you to take a step back. He never yelled at you like that and it took you by surprise.
"It wasn't working out and you know that-" You try to explain but Justin immediately cuts you off.
"Bullshit..." He mumbles under his breath but you still heard him and it stung like hell.
You felt tears peak within the corner of your eyes. "Okay fine! You want the truth?!" You raise your voice catching Justin's attention. You take a deep breath before continuing. "I left because I was scared...I was scared of the fact that I wasn't good enough for you, I mean for crying out loud Justin I see you hang out with models and other celebrities why the hell did you choose me?!" You say truthfully and this time you couldn't control your feelings anymore. "I just want you happy and I feel like I'm just not giving you that, you deserve so much better and we both know that." You say as you quickly wipe away your tears. Justin looks at you for a few seconds not saying anything.
You both stood there in silence but just as you were about to speak, he finally answers.
"Y/N yes I hang out with models and other female celebrities but they don't compare to you and we both know that....I chose you because I love you so where is this coming from?" He asks confused. That's the thing you hated about Justin, he could always see right through you. He knew you inside and out.
You take another deep breath, afraid to say the truth. You look him in the eyes, trying your best to control yourself. "Y-You came home drunk on night... as I was cleaning you up you said some things" You say and you felt tears roll down your cheeks. Justin nods waiting for you to continue. "Justin you kept calling me Selena, you kept telling me that you loved me because you thought I was Selena..." You say and at this point your lips were quivering from trying to hold back your tears but it wasn't working.
Justins expression was confused and shocked. He slowly took a step back shaking his head. "I didn't say that- I would never say that."
"You did..." You say trying not to let you anger take over.
Justin quickly walks over to you, as he tries to hold your hand. "I didn't mean it I was drunk..."
"Yes Justin you were drunk but you were telling the truth!" You yell trying to push him away. There was a reason why you left and you weren't going to let him get to you.
"Y/N I love you, only you." Justin says and you could hear the sadness in his voice but you ignored it.
"Do you really?" You say looking at him, unconvinced.
"Stop." Justin says desperately but his voice was firm. Slowly his eyes were turning red which usually meant he was about to cry.
"No you stop." You say looking him in the eye. "I can't be with someone who's not honest with me about their feelings..."
"Y/N believe me...I really do love you..." He says looking you into your eyes.
"How am I so sure that you really love me? Justin you haven't been yourself lately and I know 100% it's not because of me..." You say and every word felt heavy, making it harder for you to breathe.
"What are you talking about?" He says not understanding.
"The way you look at her is not the same when you look at me." You say quietly, you hesitate before continuing. "When you sing your songs, I know for sure its not me You're thinking about..." You say feeling your tears hit your chest.
"y/N-" Justin says, you close your eyes as you stop him from getting any closer.
"It's okay. Even though I saw it coming, it still hurts....but I'm going to be okay. Don't worry." You say quietly, trying your best to sound convincing.
"We can still work this out...please" he pleads desperately as he tries to hold your hand but you kept pushing him away.
"Work what out? There's nothing to fix, you can't keep lying to yourself Justin or else someone going to get hurt and I'm just not ready for that kind of pain..." You say unsteady but it was the truth.
"Everything you're saying right now is wrong..." Justin says shaking his head. You remain silent as you look at him confused.
Justin looks at you as a tear falls from his eye. "When you left, why was it you that I was always thinking about? Why did I cry myself to sleep at night hoping you were gonna come back? Why can't I sleep nor eat? why am I so upset at the fact that you left? Don't fucking tell me that doesn't show how much I love you!" He yells, you felt a lump in your throat, you didn't know what to say at this point. You were having mix feelings about the situation and you weren't sure what to do.
"But that's not the truth...you called me Selena you obviously still have feelings for her." You say frustrated, you weren't going to forget that and you don't think you ever will.
Justin doesn't say anything as he sucks in his jaw before looking at you. "Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Do you know how difficult it is to tell someone you love that you're leaving them?" You say and you knew what you said hit him. You felt your tears rise up again. You didn't know what to say anymore, but you knew you were hurt. You couldn't face him anymore...you couldn't do it anymore.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here...." You say wiping away your tears before turning towards the door.
"Y/N!" You hear Justin yell, but you continued to walk. You made it to his door, you take one last glance before leaving.
That was the last time you saw him.

Part 2?

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