He's Angry When You Hangout with Other Guys (Jason)

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"Jason, please" I groaned. "We need to talk about this," I said as he shook his head and kissed my neck. "We don't. There is nothing to talk about, my love. You're mine. I don't want you talking to any other guys and-" "No, see, you can't just ban me from being with other guys. I'm allowed to have male friends, it doesn't mean I'm doing anything with them. You know I love you" I said. "I trust you, but if you love me you'll listen to me, I don't want you around any guys but Marcus and the others," he said, kissing me. I sighed, "Jason, you can't do that! You don't own me! You can't just isolate me from the entire fucking world and think I'm going to be okay with it!" I said. "Yeah, alright, whatever" Jason mumbled, kissing my neck again. "This dress looks lovely on you," He said, kissing my lips again. "Jason, you can't just think I'm going to- you know what? I'm not dealing with this shit again" I said, pushing him away slightly.

"You always do this shit. Start arguing with me and then you just cut it off and think I'm going to agree to whatever you're saying. I'm not agreeing to this. You're being ridiculous" I said, taking a few steps back. "My love, here is how it goes. You're mine. You do what I say. I don't fucking own you but I sure as hell can tell you what to do. I said it before and I'm saying it again. You're mine. I don't want to see you talking to other guys. End of discussion" I shook my head, taking a step back as he tried to come closer. "Absolutely not. I'm done with this" I said before turning around and leaving the house.

*A week later*

I took the baking tray out of the oven and put it on the stove just as the door opened. I frowned and took the heat protecting mitten off. "Hello?" I said, walking out to the hallway. Nobody else but me had the key to my house and I remember locking the door. I froze at the entrance to the kitchen, "W-what are you doing here?" I asked. Jason looked up at me, "Why wouldn't I be here?" he asked, hanging his jacket away. I raised my eyebrows, "Why do you still have my key?" I asked, remembering the time I had given Jason the key to my house. Jason shrugged, "You never asked for me to give it back, so why would I?", He said. My mouth opened and I couldn't get myself to close it, "W-why? Because we broke up and- Are you crazy?! Give me my key back and get out of here!" I said. Jason pushed me back and kissed me, "I've missed you, my love," He said. I tried pushing him away, but he was too heavy for me. "Jason, let me go!" I shouted. "What's wrong with you?" Jason said, loosening his grip on me. "What's wrong with me?! Excuse me! I don't know if your fucking senile but I broke up with you. Give me my keys and leave!" I said, pushing him away. He glared at me, throwing the keys by my feet before storming off leaving me standing there like an idiot, just like I had left him last week.

I looked up at the clock, it's been five hours since Jason came over, but I still felt bad. I didn't even feel like eating the cupcakes I had baked. The icing stood in the fridge as I had not even bothered to put it on the cakes. I changed the channel again, sighing, there was absolutely nothing to watch. I was just about to turn the TV off when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, standing up. I walked to the door and opened it, without checking who it was in the peephole. I wish I had checked. Before I could close the door Jason put his foot in the doorframe. "We have to talk," he said. I rolled my eyes, "Oh, and you've just noticed?" I said, annoyed. He pushed the door open, despite the fact that I was trying to close it with all my weight. "You need to tell me why you're angry," He said. I raised my eyebrows, "You're a smart guy. Figure it out" I said. "If it was about the other night then I'm sorry-" I shook my head. "It's not just the other night. But that night was it for me. I can't stand you trying to boss me around. You're not my parent, you don't fucking own me, you don't tell me what to do and you sure as hell don't boss me around like that!" I said, my voice raising with anger. "You apologize but the next time I say hi to another guy you are going to shout at me for it! You don't own me, is that so hard to understand!" I yelled.

Jason sighed, "Look, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. You know I'm just possessive. You knew that when you started dating me. It's not coming like a surprise to you" he said. "You can't isolate me from the whole world because you're possessive. It doesn't work like that. you know I love you. You know I would never run off with another guy. So what is it you're afraid of?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I know. I'm sorry. I just-" he said, sighing. "If I do it again you leave. For good. I promise it won't happen again" Jason said, coming closer to me. I ran my eyes along his face. "You're a very stupid guy. And I'm even more stupid for not leaving you" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you" he mumbles before kissing me, this time without me trying to push him away.

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