Drunk Justin

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"Aw shit."
Turning my head, I watched as Justin knocked over a photo frame and nearly tripped over his own foot. He'd gone out with the boys for the first time in ages and I'm guessing he had a pretty good night.
Standing up, Justin grinned lazily at me before embracing me in a tight hug, making me instantly inhale a mixture of liquor and cologne.
"You're soo pre-tty, baby."
Laughing at his cheeky expression, I placed a gentle kiss to his lips before helping him take his jacket off. "Come on, you. I think it's time for bed."
Wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders, I held onto his hand and led him slowly up the steps, occasionally telling him to watch out for the step. Being heavier than me, and a dead weight when he was wasted, it took a little longer than normal to get to the top hallway.
"I'm the king of t-the world!" He exclaimed in a slurred tone as we reached the top, causing a smile to appear on my face, he was always so silly when he got drunk.
Walking into our bedroom, Justin flopped face first onto the plush comforter, making a groan leave his lips. Shaking my head playfully, I rolled him over and took his shoes off.
"You're acTing like a mmommy," He said in a drunken matter-of-factly voice. "I'm just making sure you get to bed unharmed."
"You're t-too good for m-me."
Slipping his shirt off, he sent me a playful smirk, "No, you're drunk."
"Pleaaaaaassseeeeeee!" He whined, "No, Justin. I'm not having sex with you whilst you are drunk, end of story."
"So mean." He pouted.
Unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down his legs, I pulled the comforter back and he climbed under them. "Ah, I love our bed." He smiled, nuzzling his head into the pillow.
"I'm going to get you some water and advil, you're gonna need it."
When I returned, I was faced with Justin who was completely out for the night. His hair was a mess, he had one leg off the bed and his mouth open slightly. Deciding it was best to not wake him up, I left the stuff on his bedside table and proceeded to get myself ready for bed.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now