The Real Me

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I lean back as Justin passes me the bottle. "I just feel like, fuck it. Do you know what I mean? I always have to make everyone so fucking happy, nobody ever cares about me.". I take the bottle from his hands, chugging down some of the wine. I put the bottle away and climb onto his lap, so I sit facing him. "I do. I care about you", I grab his face between my hands and kiss him. "I love you so much, Justin", I mumble against his lips, tasting the wine on them. "I know", he leans his head against my chest as I remain on his lap. "I love you too", he says, eyes closed. I chuckle and lean my head back, "Fuck, this got really sad, really fast.". He laughs against my chest, pulling away. "I just wish they could see me, you know? Me, the real me. Not Justin who snaps at fans or at paparazzi, not grumpy Justin who storms off stage. I fuck up all the time and that's all they see. I just wish they could see me like you do", he reaches out for the wine bottle. I laugh a little and meet his eyes, "Sitting on the top of a roof drinking wine straight out of the bottle?", he puts the bottle down and joins me laughing. "Yeah, maybe not", he smiles.

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