"Trevor, no." I said softly and he rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry. I know. If I could stay here a few more days I would but I can't." He said and I wanted to cry. I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to choose me, but I just acted like it was fine and he held me longer. I think he knew how I actually felt, but he just didn't say anything and I kissed his cheek.

"Please stay safe. If you don't keep me updated on things I'll personally find you and ask how things have been. I'm not asking for a daily report, I just want to know if you're doing okay." I said and he nodded.

"I will." He said and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Will I see you later today?" I asked.

"Probably. I'll stop in and see you during your class. I want to say goodbye to the kids too. Especially Mackenzie." He said and I smiled weakly.

"She's going to miss you." I said.

"Yeah. Probably more than you will." He joked and I smiled weakly.

"I know you don't care and don't want to hear it, but I really do love you." I said and he nodded.

"I know." He said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's fine." He said and he unexpectedly kissed me but I needed him to. I needed some type of closure that was more than a kiss on the cheek. He cupped my cheek and locked his lips with mine and I heard my classroom door open and I looked up to see my boss. I swore he watched us every time.

"Before you get on my back about how I kissed her in the school, I'm done. Today's my last day and a new officer will be here tomorrow. I kissed her without warning so she's not getting in trouble either. Have a nice day. Bailey, I'll see you later." He said and I nodded as he walked out. It made me so sad. The fact that my boss had to interrupt made it even worse.

* * *

It was later in the day and Trevor came back. He walked in while I was teaching a lesson and I stopped and smiled weakly at him.

"Hey." I said and he hugged me and my students all made kissing noises and giggled at us and we chuckled and shook our heads as we pulled away from each other.

"Okay-So I know you all really liked Officer Prescott. I did too, but today is his last day working here and I wanted you all to have a chance to say goodbye to him." I said.

"What?" Mackenzie asked and he looked back at her and his eyes softened. He walked down the row to her desk and he knelt down in front of her.

"I'll visit. I promise I'll visit and check in on you, okay?" He asked and she looked like she was going to cry. He sighed and she hugged him tightly. I felt the same way.

"Okay-If anyone has something like a card they want to make for Officer Prescott and wants to make one in class and give it to him before he leaves today, that's okay." I said and he smiled weakly at Mackenzie. I didn't want the other students attention on her because she was crying and I felt bad. He got her to calm down though and he got up and went back to me.

"I'll visit you guys. I promise. Even next year. I'm excited to watch you all grow up." He said and a few of the girls got up and hugged him along with some boys giving him high fives. I didn't want him to leave at all. I knew I'd see him again, but I was going to miss seeing him every day.

"I'll see you later. I'll stop by when they're let out." He said quietly to me and I nodded.

"See you-everyone say goodbye!" I said and everyone said goodbye. Mackenzie was so sad and it broke my heart, but he left.

Officer PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now