Overcoming the fear of not being good enough/forgiving ||Lexi

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This is such a hard topic for me.
So near and dear to my heart.. Yet, I know I have to write it.

I've always wanted to be enough for

everyone. I wanted everyone to like me and love me just the way I was.
I wanted to be that girl that everyone loved.

Sad truth?

I had to come to the harsh reality that I was never going to be enough for nothing people. For the people that didn't support me 100%

That didn't see dreams in me when I couldn't believe in myself

That didn't tell me I was meant to be in the world when my surroundings were dark & deafening.

Those people.. were just never in a million years going to be MY people.

Yet, I will love them just the same.

I will love them when every being of me wants to strangle them.

Because.. Jesus. Get offended that I mention his name.

But I'm not sorry.

Jesus is the Lord of Lords! King of Kings! And I'm tired of being afraid to speak out about my Jesus.

So here's what I want to say today -those people that root for your failure.. Aren't your people.

But.. that does not mean you treat them as scum of the earth. They may not beautiful in your eyes.. But oh how they're beautiful in Christ! 💞

HE created them for a purpose.

Just as he created you.

And this is the problem with our generation. We think that we can just go around hating people just because they think we're not enough for them.. Truth is? We can't.

That's so hypocritical but half of us don't even realize it. When you hate people for who they are.. It doesn't show a reflection of who they are but rather who you are.

I know, they've hurt you. They've stabbed you in the back like no one else has.

But today..

Let's do something. Together.


Let's forgive!

Forgive those people who hurt you beyond belief.

Forgive those people who made you feel worthless

Forgive your father for not being there.

Forgive that boy for not seeing your worth like he should have and choosing someone else.

It's time to rise up & say

I am loved
I am worthy
I am enough
I am beautiful

Not because anyone thinks so..

But because I'm going to start telling myself that until I believe it.

So girlies, Let's be kind.

Even in our hearts we have a mountain of hurt & anger towards that person..


I promise, it's so so worth it.


Ps: sorry this is so short.

Comment your thoughts and lemme know what you think!

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