"The amount of times I've left stuff out, like the party plans, and he somehow hasn't picked up on it" I said causing Liam to raise his eyebrows up at me.

"Well Shawn isn't exactly the most screwed on guy, is he?" Liam said, resulting in a small amount of laughter coming from my mouth.

"Never has been and never will" Kyle said bluntly, causing both Liam and I to laugh out loudly.

"Shall we go food shopping now? I'll keep the stuff at my house so Shawn doesn't question you about all food" Kyle asked after the laughter had died down.

"Sure but you'll have to drive because Liam and I have already had a drink" I replied as I stood up from the chair.



Shopping with the pair of them was like shopping with a pair of toddlers from the nursery I work at.

In every aisle Liam would be chucking stuff into the trolley which wasn't even on Kyle's list and Kyle would be whining at him each time he did it.

"Kyle and I will go halves on the shopping as you've already payed out for the venue and all the decorations" Liam announced as both him and Kyle pulled their wallets out once we reached the end of the checkout.

"Thanks guys" I smiled, not even arguing against it considering the amount I had spent on Shawn's party already.

After paying for our shopping I grabbed the trolley before pushing it out of the supermarket, the boys trailing infront. Reaching Kyle's car he opened the boot before the three of us began loading all of the shopping into the car.

Just as Liam took the empty trolley to put in the cart holder I felt my phone vibrate in the back of my shorts. Taking it out I looked down at the screen to see a message from Shawn.

Can you please pick me up from the gym? I'm too tired to walk X- Shawn

I smiled down at the text, stifling a small laugh at how even though a fitness trainer could still have lazy moments like the rest of us.

I texted back 'ofcourse' before putting my phone in my back pocket and joining the guys in the car. Jumping into the passengers side I buckled myself up as Kyle started up the engine.

"We've got to make a pitstop by the gym, Shawn wants picking up" I explained as Kyle pulled out of the car park.

"Isn't he going to question why we've been food shopping?" Liam stated from the back seat.

"I'll just pretend that Emily sent us all out to get food for the barbecue tomorrow" Kyle answered.

After another ten minutes we had finally pulled up outside of the gym. Once texting Shawn that I was outside in Kyle's car the three of us just waited for him to come out of the front doors.

Eventually he did and ofcourse he was glued to his phone as he walked out of the gym with his earphones in.

My eyes fell into adoration as I looked up and down his body as he walked closer to the car. He was in a black hoody and a black pair of sweat shorts. He was clearly sweaty as his big curls stuck along his forehead. The thing with Shawn is that he has these moments where he just looks effortlessly beautiful or effortlessly hot. And right now he looked all sorts of hot, even if he was drenched in sweat and, probably, odour.

Devoted S.M Where stories live. Discover now