4 - In The Bathroom (not edited)

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Video: Hate Me by Blue October

We'll you all voted and Breaking Eden won for my Nano book this year. That being said the chapters that I will be posting all month long will be written quickly and not edited at all. So there will more than likely be a bunch of errors but please bear with me. I plan on doing a hard core edit starting in January. I hope you all like what I'll be posting this month. Think of it as seeing an authors first raw rough draft. No one is perfect and that's okay. I plan on updating A LOT this month since I have to write 50K words to win Nanowrimo.



4 – In The Bathroom

Eden knelt beneath the spray of hot water and shoved her fingers deep into her mouth until tears filled her eyes and she gagged, spewing urine near the drain. She continued until she felt sure there was nothing left.

Humiliation set in rather quickly as she curled her knees up to her bare chest and hung her head in shame. You did this to yourself. Of course he'd make you drink it up. Why wouldn't head make you do something so vile after having pissed on him! What were you thinking? You really are nothing but a stupid girl.

"Shut up." She moaned against her forearm. But her inner thoughts were right. Starving herself would get her nowhere and peeing on him seemed to only make things worse.

Eden remembered a news article where a woman fought off her rapist by pissing on him. It worked. He was so disgusted by her that he couldn't get it up. Instead he went into a fit of rage and beat the shit out of her. But the woman lived knowing she stopped her would be rape from happening.

"I didn't want him touching me so I peed on him." A smile pulled at her mouth. "So I did want I needed to do to make him stop."

She ran her tongue over her acid bathed teeth and grimaced that the gritty feel. What she needed now was a toothbrush to get the sour taste out of her mouth. Tilting her head back, she allowed her mouth to fill up with water and swished it around before spitting it out between her legs. That will have to do for now.

A sudden pounding against the bathroom door made her jump. "I want you clean and out there in five minutes. There's been a change of plans."

Oh no. Eden stood on shaking legs. The consequences of her actions set in. You're in for it now. He probably already has your brother out there. Strung up by his neck and is waiting to kick the chair out from beneath him until you open the bathroom door.

She slid a bar of soap quickly over her body, absentmindedly washing herself. A part of her was terrified to end this shower, to open the door and great whatever horrors he had planed for her next. But at last her shower was finished.

Grabbing a large cream-colored towel from a hook, Eden wrapped it tightly around her with an odd since of comfort as though the cloth stood any chance in protecting her from harm. She stood now; in front of the grand gold-framed mirror above his bathroom sinks. The woman staring back at her with the faint scar running down the side of her face wasn't the Eden she grew up to be. Instead the figure was that of a scared little girl, her round eyes were sad and panicked stricken.

He's coming! The little mouth moved but no sound came out. We've got to hide.

The child version ran, leaving Eden behind. "I won't let him hurt you." The words were but a whisper on her lips. "You will feel no pain. Trust in me to protect you."

The fire returned in Eden's core, her eyes blazed with a steely coldness. She forced her feet to move toward the door and when she opened it, it was with a strength she hadn't felt in years.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now