1 - Eden's First Lesson (not edited)

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Video: Hurricane by Fleurie

Just a reminder: The following chapter has not been edited yet by myself. This is a first raw rough draft. Please keep that in mind while reading. The writing might not be as fleshed out as past chapters. I'm taking a break from this book but have 6 or so chapters written that I want to post for all my readers. I'll be back to this book after NANO is over. In the mean time check out By Winter's End. If you enjoyed Breaking Eden then you WILL enjoy that book as well. Trust me. : 0 ) In the mean time here is what I have written the past few weeks just haven't had the time or energy to do self edits.



1 – Eden's First Lesson

                  Eden was up with sun mainly because she couldn't get back to sleep. It was her first day of training and like the night before wanted none of it. But Matilda shooed her out of bed and into a quick bath then handed Eden two more glorious white pills that would numb her pain.

Matilda dabbed more oil on Eden's wounded lip and fixed her hair. But after that Eden was on her own to wander down for breakfast, which she wasn't even hungry for.

She hesitated in the hallway; to embarrassed to enter the dinning room naked as the day she was born. The thought of everyone seeing her like this made her stomach twist in a knot but she forced herself onward and existed the hallway.

"You've made it with minuets to spare." Declan lowered his morning paper long enough to watch Eden reach the only empty chair at the table. Sadly for her, it was next to him. When she moved to take a seat, Declan cleared his throat. "You haven't earned your spot at this table, Eden."

Eden paused with the back of the chair gripped tightly in her hands. She didn't dare say a word, wouldn't even look at him. Her gaze was fixed to her hands, as she wanted for him to say something.

"Matilda darling?" Declan's voice bellowed out into the quite room. Moments later the maid popped out of the kitchen. "Fetch me Eden's plate."

"Yes, Master." The swinging doors shut with a soft swoosh behind her. When she reappeared she held a covered tray and brought it to the table.

Declan stood to take the tray. "I'll handle it from here, thank you."

"As you wish." Matilda offered him a small bow of respect and hightailed it back to the kitchen.

Declan placed the plate on the floor next to his chair. "You'll be eating all of your meals here, next to me."

Eden winched as she at bit her lower lip, stopping herself from telling him off.

"Do you wish to say something?" The corner of his mouth lifted. 

Eden shook her head, no. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of punishing her in front of all the others.

"Come here." He motioned her forward. Eden took a hesitant step away from the chair and made it to Declan's side.

He leaned into her, breathing in her scent. "I can smell your fear." His lips brushed against her bruised ribs and glanced up at her. When she refused to meet his gaze and instead continued her death like stare at the wall behind his chair. He leaned toward the trays cover and brought it up. "You'll be eating on your hands and knees like a little pup."

Her stomach plummeted to her feet at the mound of wet dog food in the center of the plate. I am not touching that. Sofia giggled and Eden shot her a nasty look.

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