9 - The Painted Woman (8/21/2018 New Chapter)

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Video: I (Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight by Hidden Citizens

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Sorry for the lack of updated. I've been working crazy over time at work so Haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I can get back to it.

Chapter nine update coming soon...


9 - The Painted Woman

Eden awoke from her nap, still draped in the robe from her morning encounter with Declan; only the belt at her waist had loosened during her restless sleep. The red cloth had slipped, was sprawled open at the front, displaying her naked body. She pulled the sides of the garment closed and eyed the bedroom door, which remained open.

Had someone come in and seen me like this? No. Surely I would have woken up if someone opened this. Eden pulled herself off the bed and trudged toward the door. Shutting it quietly, she pressed her forehead against the cold dark wood and sighed. It opened because I was tossing and turning in my sleep. No one came into the room to open it. No one. She repeated this firmly to herself. Stop being weird.

But a small part of her wondered if someone had come into the room while she slept if only to get a glimpse of what was underneath the robe.

Eden didn't want the fabric touching her skin, couldn't handle the uneasy feeling it gave hee. She shrugged it off, casting it aside like it was something filthy and proceeded to get dressed in what she wore the night before.

The moment she was back into her yoga pants and t-shirt she felt comfortable and at ease.

Now, what do I do? Eden thought as she pulled the ribbon from her hair and uncoiled the braid. Am I to stay in this room until someone comes for me or am I free to wander as I please? That was something she didn't know.

She shook her hair out, running her fingers through the waves and caught sight of the white bandage covering her arm. The pain was gone; it wasn't even the least bit sore. Yet, she resisted the urge to take it off to inspect the wound.

Later. I'll change it later.

Eden's hand settled over her stomach as it rumbled. The pangs of hunger hit her hard. She hadn't realized just how hungry she was until this very second. Making up her mind, she exited the room without a second thought.

For the first time, she noticed all the paintings decorating the walls on either side of a long passage, the one leading towards the staircase. There were portraits of men, woman, and children of all ages. Each one was encased in an elegant gold frame with a little light above it, illuminating the painting in a soft yellow glow.

The paintings themselves seemed old-fashioned, resembling something of the medieval times. All the men wore the same style of stuffy black suits while the women wore the most elegant of dresses with their hair pinned up. The children's portraits were just as stiff. Some smiled sweetly out at her while others wore the same strict lined mouth. None of them seemed happy.

Why so serious? Eden paused in front of a painting of a young teenaged boy. He looked no older than thirteen.

His blonde hair was slicked neatly to the side. The corner of his mouth locked into an eternal grin. But it was his eyes that gave him away. They were Declan's eyes, boring into her. So this is what you looked like as a teen. There was something innocent to him.

Eden caught herself fighting back her own grin.

Once upon a time, a teenaged Eden would have fallen head for heels for this boy. But certainly not for the man he had become.

What happened to you? Her fingertips traced the fancy engraving on his nameplate. Young Master Declan Payne, it read.

The portrait next to his caught her attention, not because she was beautiful like all the rest but because she was entirely different. The woman in this painting was nude against a solid black backdrop. There wasn't a stitch of color to her portate like the others surrounding her. The woman's dark hair was plated and trailed over her shoulder, ending just beneath her swollen belly.

She was pregnant that was clear as day.

Her gaze downcasted. Her hands were on her pregnant belly, protecting it, holding it. She beamed nothing but love and adoration for what was within.

Her gaze dropped to the bottom of the frame. All the other portraits had nameplates, distinguishing the name of the person in the picture, but this one didn't have an engraving. Its nameplate remained smooth and shinnied underneath the lights.

"Who are you?" Eden's words were barely above a whisper.

Her stomach growled reminding her how hungry she was so she carried on down the hallway, merely glancing at the paintings until she reached the grand wooden staircase.

The delicious smells of food drifted up from the dining room as she descended the stairs. Her intense hunger pushed aside her feeling about having to see Declan. But when she entered the dining room, Eden froze at what was awaiting her.

Words: 942

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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