Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU - Part 4

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(West Indies Brotherhood & Colonial Brotherhood x Female Reader)


Author's Note: Greetings, everyone. I'm sorry I haven't updated and written in a while but I have been very busy and never had enough time to write. So hopefully, I'll crank some new headcanons and one-shots out for all you wonderful fans who have followed my writing and have even commented about it. So thanks again for your support.

So now, I present to you the Modern! College! AU headcanons for two Assassin's Creed men: Ah Tabai and Kanen'tó:kon. I do hope you enjoy and please leave your comments below since they really do help, I love reading your comments, and your words let me know that I'm doing my job as a writer correctly.

Next, I should do Modern! College! AU headcanons for the Assassin's Creed women
from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Assassin's Creed: Liberation, Assassin's Creed III, and Assassin's Creed: Rogue so I'll definitely do Mary Read, Anne Bonny, Hope Jensen, Kaniehtí:io/Ziio, and Aveline de Grandpré. But for now, please enjoy.


Ah Tabai:

*You would think that Ah Tabai would never have feelings for you since he is so no-nonsense and by-the-book. You would think this because he never actually says what he really feels inside since he prefers to let his actions speak for themselves. But the truth is that Ah Tabai did have feelings for you for a while (let's say a year but it honestly could've been longer than that since he never told ANYONE; his and your friends just sorta figured it out and confronted him about it) and wanted to say something.

*In fact, the way he asked you out was very straight-forward and not too romantic or fancy. Ah Tabai's exact words were "I really like you and your company. You're really nice. Would you like to go out on a date with me?" You were a little stunned because Ah Tabai wasn't very romantic and just straight-up told you what he really felt in regards to you. You were also stunned because you thought Ah Tabai would never fall in love since he was no-nonsense and hated distractions. But, you know, Ah Tabai was always nice to you and he was not one to lie to someone's face, so you knew he was telling the truth. That's why it was no wonder that you said yes.

*Ah Tabai is known for being very fatherly to the point of being stern and no-nonsense. I mean, have you seen how many times he's always nagging Edward even more than Adéwale does? Ah Tabai doesn't mean to be a strict stick-in-the-mud because he really does mean well and he just wants the best for all of his loved ones. But you actually appreciate (and invite) his concerns because it does keep you out of trouble and makes sure that you get to class on time, get enough sleep at night, exercise, eat right, and get your studying and schoolwork done.

*However, Ah Tabai isn't that bad of a guy once you get to know him. In fact, he's actually a very fun person to hang around with. He likes energetic music and dancing, so if you want to find a new activity to do with him, that would be your best bet. Ah Tabai also likes his double majors of Anthropology and Theology (such an over-achiever, this man!) so if you give him books or take him to activities that have to do with his career paths, he'll love you forever.

*Let's talk about PDA in regards to Ah Tabai. He won't do it in public, end of story. Please don't take it personally; it's just that Ah Tabai is a little old-fashioned and thinks that it's rude to display PDA such as kissing and fondling in front of others when those actions should be reserved for a private bedroom. As many times as he's yelled at Edward in public for fondling and kissing an attractive woman that's sitting on the blonde's lap (whether Edward is intoxicated or not), you can kinda see Ah Tabai's point. You don't really like the idea of lap-sitting or fondling and making out in public with a significant other around people, so you have to agree with your boyfriend in that regard.

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