Rebecca Crane x Reader

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Author's Note: Greetings, ladies and gentleman! I'm so happy that I got another chapter of this one-shot book done for Assassin's Creed since I've had bad writer's block for a while now. But I think I got a good idea down for another Assassin, Rebecca Crane! Please enjoy and if you can find the time, please leave some comments for the entire book or in the comments section for this chapter below. Comments, shares, reblog, likes, and votes are much appreciated. Thanks a bunch! :)

Also, the relationship between Rebecca and reader is meant to be a friendship, but the reader can interpret it any way they so desire.


You hated Abstergo. In fact, you absolutely DESPISED Abstergo and did everything you could to defy them. That much was evident by your constant spreading of hate mail and conspiracy theories over the Internet under an anonymous profile or your many organized protests outside their building. You had investigated many rumors you had heard about Abstergo and their business practices on the Internet and put some of your own findings on there too so that the truth could be out there for the whole world to see. Some of your findings included human experimentation of genetic memories using a machine called the Animus and Abstergo sending out personal hitman in the form of guards or secret agents killing anyone who stood in their way of dominating the world through controlled order. No surprise, you hated that kind of thing because even though Abstergo claimed to help people, they were actually hurting more people than what most people knew. Besides, you liked your freedom so you didn't like someone else trying to be high and mighty, telling you how to live your life by deciding what house you would live in, what clothes you could wear, what food you could eat, and what information you could look at. Third off, Abstergo just sounded like Marvel Comic's global organization HYDRA and it sickened you, making you pray to God above and wish that there was a real version of Marvel Comic's rival organization SHIELD to stop Abstergo. But honestly, you had no idea about the Assassin-Templar War or the extent to which this global conflict had reached across the centuries. Boy, were you about to find out!

You were about to protest the Abstergo building with others you had encountered in your local city and many who you met online in chat-rooms as you locked up your apartment with your house key and walked down the street to get some coffee and breakfast. But you had the crazy feeling that you were being watched as you turned around and saw a woman with black hair staring at you from under thick sunglasses in the coffee shop. You thought it was weird, given that you had NEVER met her properly before in your whole life. However, she did seem very friendly as she seemed to always watch your back. Come to think of it, she had been seen by you around town since you actually started protesting outside the Abstergo building recently along with posting dirty secrets and leaked information about the corporation on the Internet. Since you started letting your face be seen during protests outside the building, this woman started to actually follow you as if she was trying to protect you. But what she was protecting you from, you really didn't know. All in all, you just thought that it was weird for this woman to follow you like a Hollywood film-worthy stalker would.

So after cleaning off your breakfast and getting up from the restaurant table, you grabbed your cardboard sign as you rested the wooden stick against your dominant shoulder so that the colorful sign could rest halfway on your shoulder and halfway in the air by your head. However, the young woman from the coffee shop still followed you as you walked down the street and you didn't realize it until she pretended to come from a different direction towards you, which resulted in her bumping into you and knocking you over. As soon as you both fell down, the young woman started to apologize profusely as she pulled her headphones off and put them around her neck, saying that she needed to stop listening to blaring music on maximum volume and needed to pay better attention to what was in front of her.

Random Ships, Headcanons, & One-Shots by Sakuraaeris1497Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora