Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU - Part 4

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(West Indies Brotherhood & Colonial Brotherhood x Female Reader)


Author's Note: Greetings, everyone, this is Sakuraaeris1497. I finally got to writing college! Modern! AU headcanons for the members of the West Indies and the Colonial Brotherhoods. So, I decided to start off with the Kenways who are part of the Assassins, Connor Kenway/Ratonhnhaké:ton and Edward Kenway. So, please enjoy and if you want to, please leave some comments in the section below so I know that you like my writing. You can also offer constructive criticism to me as well in the comments section since it is always welcome. Just, please no bashing or flames since I don't like negativity here. Next up will be Shay Cormac and Haytham Kenway! 


Edward Kenway:

*Edward loves the sea and everything about it. From stories of pirates and plunder to marine life and boating excursions, he loves it all. Therefore, it's no surprise that he's studying marine biology in college as his major.

*Edward met you on campus during a marine biology class when the class went to the local beach to record different aspects of the land and its marine life. In fact, you were partners on the school project together. It was like a kid in a candy store! Edward just HAD to show you the sea turtles shimmying on the sand to get back to the water as he kept the seagulls at bay or the little crabs walking in side-steps along the edge of the waves. Edward firmly believes in the philosophy that you have to see, feel, taste, touch, and smell the ocean and all its wonder for yourself to understand it rather than read a book about it.

*Not to say you didn't like Edward as a partner, even though he would get side-fracked from what you two were supposed to do for the project just to show you nature at its finest by the sea. Though he was the epitome of a class clown (with several pranks against teachers on campus that resulted in shared videos and lots of laughter) and was often perceived as carefree and lazy, he was far from it. In fact, he was so passionate about this field of study that you learned more from him than the textbook.

*Maybe his passion for his college field is what attracted you to the sexy Welsh guy with the blonde hair and the blue eyes. I mean, you couldn't deny that he was attractive. :)

*You went into this marine biology class thinking you'd hate it and it was a dummy class you had to take since everything else was filled. But with Edward's help, you passed with flying colors because he helped you understand EVERYTHING there was to know about marine biology.

*Edward loves the sea so much that he's on the sailing team on the campus as team captain with a few of his buddies (Mary Read, James Kidd, Anne Bonny, and Adéwale to name a few) with Dr. Edward Thatch (a.k.a. Blackbeard) as the marine biology professor who sponsors the team. Every time he has a competition, you go with him as social support, always cheering him on from the stands with a cardboard sign in your hands. After every competition, you guys go back to Anne's off-campus apartment to have some drinks (since she works as a bartender at the same place Desmond works and alcohol isn't allowed on campus) and crash there for the night since you all don't want ANYONE drunk driving and getting hurt and/or dying in a car crash.

*Edward and his sailing crew also partake in other aquatic activities such as surfing, water-skiing, and swimming. In fact, wherever they go, you go because they all like you and Edward personally invites you (since he has your cellphone number still from when you worked on that project together in marine biology class). When Edward found out you didn't know how to surf, he literally gasped and grabbed the nearest surfboard for you as he immediately began teaching you how to do it. Of course, you don't have good balance, so you kept falling off it, even on small waves. After about five times of falling off the board into the water, you heard the entire gang snickering at you and Edward as the blonde man tried to help you regain your balance again, even giving everyone a death glare to keep their yaps shut so you wouldn't give up or feel embarrassed.

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