Teen! Sam Drake x Female Reader Oneshot 4 - No Longer Morgan

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Author's Note: Hey, everyone. Here's another oneshot for Teen Sam Drake x Female Reader and I hope that everyone enjoys. Comments are always welcome as always and I will try to do some more Teen Sam Drake x Female Reader with the same storyline as the other oneshots before moving to Adult Sam Drake x Female Reader with the same reader from the other oneshots. I will also include some more domestic scenes between Sam, Nathan, and the female reader in future oneshots as well as include some canon events from the fourth game too.

I will also include links to videos that I used as reference for the dialogue in this specific chapter of the oneshots for Teen Sam Drake x Female Reader so plagiarism will not be an issue:

1.) https://youtu.be/qfFULf5_sfI

2.) https://youtu.be/k3etznzti_4

Happy reading! :)

The following links are for the reader's physical appearance and sense of style from the Teen! Sam Drake adventures to the events of Uncharted 4.

Clothing Styles & Freckles (Princess Ariel, Princess Rapunzel, & Princess Belle): https://sakuraaeris1497.tumblr.com/tagged/modern-disney-princess

Hair (Sansa Stark's Hair Color): https://theoutsiderarg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/sansa-stark-margaery-tyrell-sansa-stark-34448809-1024-576.jpg

Reader's Equestrian Sport Horse, Queen Anne:


"(Name) (Last Name)."

You had finally made it to this point in your life, and as soon as your name was called, you stepped onto the stage with pride and a bright smile. Grabbing your principal's hand as you shook hands with him, you grabbed your high school diploma as flashes from cameras snapped pictures before cheers of your name and words of congratulations echoed the room, all for your accomplishment. You had made it through primary school and had made it to eighteen years old without being arrested or close to death. Graduating with academic honors due to high grades, you didn't have to take a guess as to who was in the front row. Not only was your family there but Evelyn, Sully, and the Morgan brothers were in attendance as well to see you. Just seeing Sam and even Nathan in the audience, clapping and cheering loudly for you like rambunctious fans at a sporting events while you waved at them with your diploma in one hand, made that moment of graduating high school and becoming an adult all the more special. You even took another Polaroid and placed it into your genealogical journal just to add more memories with the extension of your family through the dating relationship you and Sam shared.

After your last night of childhood, your late night adventures with the Morgan brothers became more frequent because for one, your parents ONLY expected you to graduate high school with a valid diploma since you were legally an adult who could make her own decisions about college, marriage, and careers; two, you lived with Sam in an apartment you both paid for together with your respective occupations. Sure, you were fresh out of high school and unmarried while living with a long-term boyfriend that you had been dating for about two years, but at least you could say that you could pay your own bills with your own money since you still had a stable gig with Evelyn. Besides, you and Sam were planning on getting married and having children of your own once both of you managed to spring Nathan out of the orphanage and have enough money to take care of all three of you, both pre-matrimony and post-matrimony. But what you didn't expect was for Nathan to become a permanent resident of you and Sam's home without legal adoption and tons of tedious paperwork needed.

It was 1990 and Sam had planned another late night adventure with Nathan since he had a surprise for him. You knew all about it and the fact that Sam had gotten a new job, an even-better paying job working for some archaeologist or treasure hunter since you two moved in the apartment together as boyfriend and girlfriend turned fiancés engaged to be married soon. That's why you encouraged Sam to go to the place where his father sold their mother's belongings so Nathan would have a chance to see it again. You wanted to go with them and see the look on Nathan's face when he was caught up with everything going on in your lives or when he saw his mother's belongings again, but you had to work at Evelyn's that night. If only you knew then what you knew now, then you wouldn't have been so encouraging of them sneaking into someone's house in the middle of the night. Regardless of what you would've said or done, the Morgan brothers would've done what they did anyways and then you would've had to drag your idiots out of trouble...again.

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