Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU - Part 4

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(West Indies Brotherhood & Colonial Brotherhood x Male Reader)


Author's Note: Greetings, everyone! I know it's been a while since I've last written something but I finally got some more Assassin's Creed headcanons done for you, my loyal audience of wonderful readers. So now, here's some Modern! College! AU headcanons for the two famous female pirates of the West Indies, Mary Read and Anne Bonny. Please enjoy and leave comments below if you so wish.


Mary Read:

*To be quite honest, you were actually a male member of the sailing team when you first met Mary. All in all, you were fascinated with the way she took charge, even with the majority of the team being made up of men, and how much of a beautiful tomboy she was.

*So, it almost surprised you when Mary asked you out on a date. Usually, the young man was supposed to ask out the young lady, but Mary preferred to ask you that tell-tale question because she sensed you were always nervous around her and would still be nervous when you asked her. So she decided to lighten the load on your shoulders and take the initiative.

*But since you were a gentleman, you did pay for dinner and the movie. You even pulled Mary's chair out for her so she could sit at the dinner table and you even held doors open for her. I must say that Mary was so impressed since most men she was friends with didn't use good manners (aside from Adéwale, Edward, and Ah Tabai). But you were also impressed by her too since Mary rarely ever wore a dress or makeup before and not many of her male or female friends could recall her ever dressing like a girl. But the way her gold and maroon dress hung on her body while her shoulder-length hair was down and flowing and her lips were red alongside her plump cheeks, it just made you stare all night in awe at her natural beauty.

*Out of the two of you, Mary is the most sarcastic but you come in close second. She's always giving Edward grief for something and quipping him with smart aleck remarks while Ah Tabai just joins in to scold the grown man. It's actually quite funny because Mary says all her cynical sentences with a straight face and only gives the slightest hint of a side smirk while her arms are crossed over her chest. What surprised Mary even more was when you told Professor Thatch that at least you had real hair while he had his toupee when he was teasing you about finally dating Mary, which only made her and the others bust out laughing as they fell off of couches and rolled around on the floor, clutching their abdomens. Even Professor Thatch found himself laughing too since he was so surprised that you had a cynical sense of humor.

*You're the one who initiates PDA in the relationship and even though Mary seems like she wouldn't be into it, she actually enjoys having you hold her in your arms. She doesn't even mind being the big spoon that holds you. Besides, PDA is initiated almost all the time with you two, but even more so when one of you is upset or angry. So if you or Mary are not feeling like your normal selves, then just give each other an hour-long hug or a few lip smooches. You'll both feel so much better afterwards.

*At the gym, Mary is teaching you new things and always trying to push you to be the best man you can be athletically. After all, Mary is a great inspiration to you and Edward (who is always thankful to Mary for helping him get his life together so he could raise his daughter Jenny properly). So you actually take pride in going to the gym since Mary always cheers you on when you successfully do five push-ups or lift more pounds on hand weights. She'll even treat you to your favorite sweets when you manage to lose some weight as a reward and she'll even sit on your back when you do push-ups to make it more challenging. But to be fair, she gives you kisses when she uses you as the barbell for her own weight-lifting. You never knew Mary was so physically strong because dang, that girl can lift!

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