DBH Markus x Fem! Reader - A Broadcast for Equal Rights

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Author's Note: Greetings, this is Sakuraaeris1497. I know I've been on a LONG hiatus but I'm back writing now! So here's the long-awaited chapter for the Detroit: Become Human that you have been patiently waiting for. I'm so sorry it took so long to write again but I'm here now. More chapters should be coming soon! Best of luck, I hope you enjoy, and thanks again for reading this fanfiction.

BTW, I do not own this wonderful video game in terms of dialogue or plot so I've provided a web link to the YouTube Video that corresponds to the Stratford Tower chapter with Markus and the rest of Jericho.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/P1INT3NchS0


The date was November 8, 2038 and it was the start of a new day in your life at Jericho as you woke up from your slumber with a yawn and a stretch of your arms before feeling around for your Markus. Upon feeling frigid emptiness beside you instead of the warm, soft torso of your fiancé, you jolted with a start as a sharp gasp escaped your lips. Eyes wild and wide with fear, you looked around for Markus as your (eye color) orbs darted from corner to corner before tan palms blanketed your vision in darkness. Instead of being awoken peacefully by your beloved, you were greeted with a kiss to the temple by Markus, whose blue and green irises twinkled like stained glass upon seeing your fear turn into a smile as you cupped your hands over his and removed them from your face. Immediately after feeling your warm lips upon his own temple, which was lacking the LED that once glowed there, Markus chuckled under his breath before he hugged you against him as you reciprocated the embrace.

Once you were done snuggling against Markus's warm chest as he hugged you tighter to elicit a squeaked laugh from you before you and your man kissed on the lips, you rose from the ground as you preened your hair and clothes to make yourself look more presentable. Gazing upon you in true love as he rose from the ground too, Markus watched you groom yourself as you grinned warmly at him while he mimicked your facial expression. After you were finished, you asked Markus where he had gone yesterday morning and today while he mused on his memories in Ferndale on the dates you mentioned, "I saw how my people were being treated and I can't stand by while they suffer. I have to do something."

"I know because I agree," you answered with a nod before sauntering over to Markus as you reached out a comforting hand to cup his face with, "Let's discuss this with the others. I'm sure we can come up with something together." Giving his own nod back to you, Markus kissed your tiny hand as he took it into his own because you two went further inside Jericho to meet up with North, Simon, and Josh again.

Upon entering the room, the three androids greeted you warmly, even North who was once apprehensive of you to the point of threatening violence. However, North still had a long way to go before she fully trusted you, so she still kept you at arm's length as you approached her with a warm greeting back to everyone before you directed your attention to North with a question, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"Not much yet. We may have secured the supplies but that won't be enough."

"We need to do something to urge humans to listen to us if we don't want to live in hiding forever." Markus added as you shrugged, "Any ideas from anyone? I'm open to any and all suggestions."

Thinking long and hard, everyone tried to formulate a plan on how to proceed for the cause of Jericho and for the freedom of all androids. You couldn't lead an all-out attack on humans because it would get you either killed, arrested, or it would make humans detest machines even more. You also couldn't live in hiding forever as your supplies would eventually deplete if Jericho's number of members grew and you and the others would be forced to steal more, maybe even taking bigger risks as security would be heightened after the last escapade. So your next strategy had to be a well-calculated move that would let humans know what androids wanted in a peaceful and civil manner. In today's world, everyone was on their phones or computers and because of the rise of deviants, people were watching the news more often. With widened eyes as an idea popped in your head, everyone took notice as Markus was the first to notice a change in you, "What is it, (Name)? You got something?"

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