Game of Thrones Modern! College! AU One-Shots - Best Friends, No Matter What

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Author's Note: Greetings, everyone. I had this idea pop into my head while binge-watching Game of Thrones (I really need to catch up), so I decided to do a Modern! College! AU with the reader as well as Loras and Renly because these two men are so nice and I liked their character portrayals since their actors did an amazing job. Therefore, after my short hiatus while I'm also writing some more Assassin's Creed one-shots at the same time, I present my first Game of Thrones one-shot. I hope the fans of my writing and the TV series like it so please enjoy and leave some comments below if you can.

By the way, I want everyone who reads this to know that people who truly love you don't love you just for just your thighs and your hips or a lack or excess thereof. They love you for ALL of you and if someone can't see past your physical appearance, then that person shouldn't be poisoning your life and mind with negative images and thoughts. You also shouldn't change yourself for someone else's satisfaction. If you wanna change yourself, please do it for YOU to make yourself feel good. But if you change for someone else, then you really shouldn't because if they can't love you one way or another, then please change your man/woman for someone who will accept you for who you really are and what you look like at any given time. God never makes mistakes and He certainly didn't make any mistakes when dealing with the creation of you or me. Please remember that you are all beautiful, smart, and funny in your own ways and no magazine or amount of social media can define your beauty according to society's standards. So please, if you need someone to talk to, please do so. Talking can help you cope and/or fix the life problems you face and it will help you not feel so alone.


For as long as you could remember, you had always been best friends with the Tyrell and Stark families. You got along with all the children from the two families, no matter the gender or age differences, due to the fact that you were a very kind and intelligent girl with a tomboyish streak. In fact, you had the closest relationships with Loras and Margaery Tyrell as well as Sansa Stark and Renly Baratheon. You liked Sansa and Margaery because the two girls made you feel like a princess whenever you wanted to go shopping for a special event that required a nice dress with nice shoes, even if you were a little bit of a tomboy most times like Arya (which made the younger girl like you more since you liked the outdoors, certain genres of music and media, and video games), but they also reciprocated kindness to you since you were nice to them first during your time together as female childhood friends. You also got along with Loras and Renly because you were both in choir and drama club together and were often teased for being more artistic than athletic. But more importantly, you were Loras and Renly's most-trusted confidant, especially when they confessed to you as teenagers of thirteen years of age that they were both homosexual and in love with each other. They thought you would judge them or make fun of them. They thought you would not want to be their friend anymore. However, you did no such thing. You offered to keep their relationship and sexual orientation secret until they both felt comfortable revealing the truth to everyone else, which was consistent with your beliefs about loyalty of keeping one's word with things told in confidence and your natural demeanor of honesty. You also thanked them for telling you the truth and being the first to know, which made both of them feel a much closer bond of friendship with you.

However, for years, even as a teenager, you had your own secrets too. Like most girls going through puberty and beyond, you had a certain concept and view of yourself, mainly your body image. But like most girls, you set a really high standard of beauty for yourself, so high in fact that it was nearly impossible to reach. You could've set a goal for yourself that was easier to reach, one that would've met a standard of beauty that was the perfect middle, an "ought to be" self, between your actual self and your ideal self. However, society preferred for girls to fit the ideal self, which was "thinner is better" and "clear skin and perfect hair is a factor that attracts all the guys." But since you felt that you didn't fit those idealistic standards, you started to feel insecure, and because of these inner emotions, you were a little pessimistic about yourself. I mean, what girl didn't wish they were more beautiful than they currently were at some point in their life? Almost every girl compared themselves to other girls because all humans compared themselves to others. But you more so due to your body image insecurities. Throughout your entire middle school years all the way to your current college years, Loras and Renly knew about your insecurities and often tried to help you get through your pessimistic comments about your "stomach rolls of lard" or "bacteria-plagued skin." They tried to make you feel beautiful as much as possible by spending the night with you at your house or one of theirs so you guys could eat tubs of ice cream and watch marathons of movies together while talking about attractive people. They also offered fashion advice to you whenever you needed a second opinion from someone other than Margaery and Sansa about a new dress or new shoes to buy. But all of this was to no avail because you still felt insecurities, even if Renly and Loras helped calm the damaging tornado of negativity in your mind.

Random Ships, Headcanons, & One-Shots by Sakuraaeris1497Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora