Jyn Erso X Female Best Friend! Reader - Run Away with Me

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Jyn Eros x Female Best Friend Reader - Run Away with Me


Author's Note: Greetings everyone, this is Sakuraaeris here. I am so pleased to have finished this request for northernlion196 on Wattpad after many months and I hope they enjoy it.

So now, here it is, a Star Wars request featuring Stormtrooper! Jyn Erso and her best friend, Stormtrooper! Female Reader. Please enjoy, everyone. Comments and requests are always welcome.


(Stormtrooper Number)...This was the only name and title you ever had in your life for as long as you could remember. Ever since Order 66 and the eradication of the Jedi, many people were joining the Stormtroopers, either voluntarily or by force. In your case, it was the latter. Come to think of it, you couldn't even remember the last time you had a real name or a family. That's why your only family at the time was one other Stormtrooper, a female whose past was tragic as her family was real until it was taken from her. Her mother was executed by a blaster shot for rebelling against the Empire and her father made weapons of mass planetary destruction for the Empire until he was discovered to be sabotaging the projects, resulting in his execution too. When your friend had been found, she was a teenager and a rebel who fought the Empire until she was captured and revealed to be Jyn Erso, daughter of Lyra and Galen Erso. It was only a matter of time before Krennic forced Jyn to be a Stormtrooper as punishment for her parents' supposed sins. So now, here you two were, best friends trapped to be Stormtroopers until salvation freed you both from your bonds or Death relieved you both from your duties.

However, Jyn didn't want to wait so she came to you with a plan. It was late at night when you should be sleeping, but in classic Jyn fashion, she snuck out of her white mattress and shimmied her way across the room on tip-toes and crouching crawls before she made it to your mattress. Then, gripping her gentle hand onto your shoulder, Jyn shook you lightly and called out to you with every bit of seriousness in her tone, "Hey, (Stormtrooper Number) wake up." With a small snore coming from your lips, you sat up in bed as you stared at whoever woke you up before you recognized your best friend, "Jyn? What are you doing here?"

"Come with me. We need to talk." Jyn suggested as she beckoned you to come with her down the hall as her palm waved back and forth close to her chest. You were reluctant to follow because you were worried about yourself and Jyn getting in serious trouble with the lead Stormtrooper on base or even Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. However, Jyn was your best friend and she had never steered you wrong whenever she got you involved in something of hers. Therefore, between the Empire and Jyn, you knew you'd always trust Jyn.

Crouching and crawling on the ground as you tip-toed on the floor together, you and Jyn made it to a private area of the base as the brunette locked the door behind her before you asked her, "Jyn, what's going on?"

"I plan to get out of here and go as far away from here as possible, and I want you to come with me." Jyn explained as she looked at you with all seriousness and held your hands in hers before you asked her, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am."

"Jyn, leaving the Empire will not be easy. You're gonna be killed if you get caught." You retorted fearfully for your friend's life as she shook her head and vowed, "Then I'll make sure that I don't get caught. Please come with me."

"But, the Empire-"

"The Empire doesn't give two craps about you because all Stormtroopers, us included, are expendable. Whenever they run out of soldiers, they just buy or make more; they certainly have the means and the funds to do so. That's why we need to leave as soon as possible or else we'll both die."

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