the new guy | nolan holloway

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a/n- this is just how i expect nolan to be since we haven't actually seen him yet, enjoy!
p.s if you don't know who nolan is he's a new character in 6b played by froy gutierrez.

You were sat in class one morning, writing notes that the teacher wrote on the board when a knock on the door interrupted the class

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You were sat in class one morning, writing notes that the teacher wrote on the board when a knock on the door interrupted the class. The head teacher walked in with a boy you'd never seen before, he had short, dark blonde hair and an almost model like face structure.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, sir," the head teacher said, "but you have a new student, Nolan," he turned to the class, "please welcome him to our school, kids." He nodded before he left, leaving the boy standing nervously in the doorway.

Your teacher welcomed him to the class and told him to take the empty seat which happened to be next to you.

He walked over to you, you smiled as he approached. As soon as he saw you his lips curved into a smirk, immediately liking what he saw but it was soon replaced with a frown when he caught your friends Scott and Stiles staring at him.

You wondered why, Scott had probably sensed something about him already.

Nolan seemed distracted the whole lesson, looking around. You saw him fidgeting with his hands nervously until the bell finally rang and he grabbed his bag and rushed out of the classroom.

You turned and stared at Scott and Stiles as you grabbed your bag, "why were you staring at him, Scott? You made him uncomfortable."

"Him? Uncomfortable? There's something about him, y/n. He smelt of fear and anxiety." Scott noted.

"Probably because it's his first day at our school." You said sarcastically.

"No... that's not it, Deaton warned me of a new threat coming to Beacon Hills..." he trailed off as he saw Nolan at his locker, glancing around nervously.

"See!" Stiles exclaimed, agreeing with what Scott thought about him.

You shook your head, "you think he could be a threat?" You asked as you observed how nervous the boy seemed, he definitely didn't look threatening.

Then Stiles looked like he had an idea, he glanced at you excitedly, "y/n," he grinned, "why don't you be our informant?"

Scott nodded, "become friends with him and see if he's dangerous."

You rolled your eyes, "anything to prove you guys wrong." You said before walking over to Nolan who was closing his locker.

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