dare | isaac lahey

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you walked into the lunch hall and over to the lunch queue grabbing a tray. you got some lunch and headed to your usual table outside by yourself and sat down, getting your book out of your backpack. it was the same every lunch as you sat alone, you didn't really fit in with anyone.

isaac lahey was sat with his usual group of friends and stiles nudged him like he did every lunch, "there's y/n." he chuckled, knowing it made isaac uncomfortable.

"why do you always do that, stiles?" he growled at him.

"because it's funny." stiles laughed then snorted. isaac rolled his eyes.

"you know... i dare you to go and talk to her." stiles said.

"w-what?!" isaac stuttered, "come on, man. it's not funny anymore."

"why not? you flirt with anything with a heartbeat." stiles laughed, looking at everyone on their lunch table who was staring at the boys.

isaac sighed, "why though?"

"you need someone... you know, after allison."

isaac winced, along with everyone else on the table who felt a pang in their heart.

isaac stood up from their table, "i'm only going to get away from you, stiles." he scoffed.

isaac cleared his throat as he reached your table, "excuse me, may i sit here?"

you looked up from your book, your jaw nearly dropped to the ground, "uh, yeh sure." you smiled at him.

isaac looked at you for a while before speaking, he realised that you were actually very beautiful but you hid it behind your books so that no one noticed.

you spoke first, snapping him out of his gaze.

"why are sitting with me and not with your friends?" you put your book down now, staring at him.

"i- uh." he muttered, "they're annoying me at the moment, and here seems much better than over there." he looked back and saw all his friends staring at him. you frowned.

"are you sure that's the only reason you're sitting here?" you sighed, knowing it was too good to be true.

"i'm sure." isaac turned back around to face you.

you looked at him blankly, waiting for him to say something.

"what?" he said, taking a bite out of his apple.

"well, you come over here and sit with me and then all of your friends stare at you like this is a joke?" you felt a pang in your heart that you knew no one would ever be genuinely interested in you.

"hey, hey. i came over here because they were genuinely annoying me, i saw you and thought 'hey she looks pretty cool' and came and sat here, end of story." he put his apple on the table, half finished.

"ok..." you looked at him sceptically. you looked over to his friends again, the boy named stiles was staring at you, "why does he keep staring at us?" you gestured over to stiles.

isaac turned around and sighed, "alright. he dared me to come and sit with you, but in all honesty i was going to leave the table anyway because he was annoying me."

you were now the subject of a dare? great. you thought.

"everything i said was true, i do think you're pretty cool and you're extremely beautiful." isaac turned on the charm.

you felt your cheeks start to burn. "oh, thank you.."

"no problem." he smiled at you, his eyes twinkling, "say, are you busy after school?" he asked.

"um, no not really."

"wanna go out with me? there's a new diner opening up..." he said suggestively.

"really? sure i'd love to!" you smiled at him, believing he was being genuine.

"great." he smiled, picking his apple back up and eating it.

you spent the rest of lunch chatting and laughing with isaac whilst his friends continued to stare, confused at what was happening but also happy because they hadn't seen isaac laugh in a long time.

sorry this is so short but hope you guys like it :)

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