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"Jackson?!" You shouted, you answered the door to some of his old friends, Scott, Stiles and a younger boy Jackson hadn't mentioned, Liam.

Stiles introduced Scott and Liam, "Liam's kind of our adopted brother." He laughed.

You let them all inside, it was a few days after you'd 'moved' in with Jackson and you'd been tidying the place up.

"JACKSON! Your friends are here!" You shouted upstairs.

"I'm coming!" Jackson shouted through gritted teeth, he was staring at himself in the mirror, he'd started to transform and he couldn't change back to his usual self. He'd been having this problem for a while and this was the real reason he wanted to come back and get Scott's help but he couldn't tell you about any of it.

His blue eyes stared back at his reflection, looking down at his hands and his nails they were in werewolf form.

"Oh god." He muttered to himself.

He heard footsteps coming upstairs and he felt panicked and froze, a knock on the door shook him out of his frozen state.

"Jackson?" A male voice said from the other side of the door, "it's Scott... um, can you let me in?"

Jackson unlocked the door and let Scott in.

"Wow." Scott said.

"I can't change back!" Jackson tried to keep his voice low but he couldn't.

"Look, we'll fix this... don't worry Stiles is distracting y/n in the kitchen," Scott tried to calm him down, "how long has this been happening?"

"For a couple of months... that's why I came back, but y/n can't know... I've been trying to stay human for so long." He sighed and sat on the edge of the bath.

"That's not good for you man, you can't do that." Scott said.

"I know, but I don't want this anymore." Jackson looked at Scott sadly.

Scott felt sympathetic for Jackson, he knew he went to London to get away from the supernatural life but you can never escape it.

"I'm sorry man, but there is no cure, I tried to find one for myself but there isn't one." Scott said sadly, sitting next to Jackson.

"I just need someone to help me control it, I thought I was better when I met y/n, but now it's started again."

"Look, you need to tell her Jackson, she needs to know because if you're keeping something like this from her it's not going to work." Scott said, remembering Allison and how he hadn't told her but she found anyway and it ruined their relationship.

"I just need to change back, Scott," Jackson said sarcastically, "I don't need life lessons right now."

"Right." Scott said.

Scott managed to help Jackson turn back within a few minutes and they both headed downstairs to see Stiles and yourself messing around.

"Hey guys," you and Stiles looked over to see Jackson and Scott standing together, "sorry I took so long, I was uh..." Jackson looked at Scott, but then looked over at you, "y/n can I talk to you?"

"Sure." You said, looking at Stiles to see if he knew what it was about but he shrugged.

You walked outside with Jackson, the cold air sending shivers all over your body.

"So... What's this about, Jackson?" You asked.

"Y/n, I'm afraid I haven't been truthful to you... about a pretty huge thing." He said shyly, avoiding eye contact with you.

"Jackson.." You started but he cut you off.

"If I don't tell you now I won't have the courage to ever tell you," he said more confidently, "I don't know how to tell you, so I'll have to show you."

"What?" You were extremely confused until hair started growing down the sides of Jacksons face and his eyes turned a deep shade of blue, "oh my-"

"Y/n.." Jackson said, but you were already backing up against the wall and fiddling with the door to get back inside.

You ran into Stiles and he grabbed your arm, "what's wrong y/n?"

"Jackson... I don't understand." You didn't understand what was happening and soon Jackson was back inside in his human form.

"Look y/n, I'm a werewolf, I used to want this life so badly but when I got turned I was in a bad place and then I met you and I thought I could just stop the shifts... But then I started changing into this... monster... again and I came back here because I don't want this anymore." Jackson looked at you as if he was pleading with you to believe him.

Something in your heart believed he was still the same Jackson you knew, but you still couldn't understand the werewolf thing.

"I believe you, but I don't get why you didn't tell me, Jackson." You felt hurt that he hid such a huge thing from you.

"Because I finally found something good in my life and I didn't want to lose you. But I understand why I should've told you," He said, tears filling his eyes, "I just don't want this anymore, y/n, I tried to hide it but I can't."

You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around him whilst Scott and Stiles watched in silence but they exchanged a knowing look.

"I'm sorry to break up the pity party," Stiles said breaking the silence, "and I hate to say this but there is no cure, but if you stick around we can show you some people who love being a supernatural creature."

You considered it for a moment, "why don't we stay?" You asked Jackson, "you need your friends and you can be yourself, you need to embrace who you are now."

"I guess." Jackson sighed.

You smiled and kissed his cheek, you saw his lip twitch into a small smile and you knew you'd enjoy living in Beacon Hills.

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