be my valentine?

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a/n: thank you for 100k reads!<3

you opened your locker and dozens of roses poured out, along with a little pink envelope. you crouched down and picked it up, the letter inside consisted of small, neat handwriting.

to the most beautiful girl in the school,
be my valentine?
love, scott.

you smiled widely at the note, then someone's hands covered your eyes, "guess who."

"hmm, isaac?" you giggled, the hands dropped and you turned around to see scott.

"isaac? really?" he pretended to be offended.

"so this note..." you smiled up at him.

"what do you say? be my valentine?" he smiled, his chocolate brown eyes lit up as he looked at you, thinking about how beautiful you are.

"of course, scott," you kiss his cheek quickly, "now help me pick up these flowers."

"y/n!" you heard someone shout your name as you were putting your books into your locker.

you turned around to see millions of heart balloons surrounding a struggling stiles as he ran towards you, "h-hey!" he gasped as he got closer to you, out of breath.

"hey, stiles." you chuckled lightly as the sight of him struggling to hold a dozen balloons was hilarious.

"whew!" he breathed out, stopping by your locker, "you have no idea how hard it was to get these out of the jeep without them floating away."

"so... who have you gone to all of this effort for?" you knew the answer straight away, it was lydia martin, the girl he'd had a crush on since the third grade.

"the girl i'm going to ask to be my valentine..." he beamed widely at you.

"oh, well, i'm sure whoever it is will appreciate all of the effort you've gone to, stiles." you smile at him despite your heart sinking a little.

"i really hope she does..." he smiled, dimples forming on his cheeks, he looked so adorable, "uh, can you hold these for me?" he handed the balloons to you and you took hold of them, slightly confused.

"y/n," he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and smoothed it out, his hands shaking, "uh," his eyes flickered over the page, "okay, here goes, i've been in love with you for a really long time now... every time i'm with you i fall in love with you even more, the way your smile lights up a room whenever you walk in, how your nose crinkles when you laugh, gosh i love when you laugh... what i'm trying to say is... will you be my valentine, y/n?" he looked at you hopefully, you were speechless, gripping onto the balloons.

"stiles, i-" you shook your head in disbelief, his smile faltered for a moment, "yes, i'll be your valentine." you smiled at him as he let out a sigh of relief.

"thank the lord!" he clapped his hands together, smiling.

"i would hug you right now but i kind of can't." you looked up at the balloons.

"let me," he stepped towards you, wrapping his arms around you and then kissing your cheek quickly, "i'll pick you up at eight."

he started running down the corridor whilst you stood by your locker with the balloons, wondering what to do.

"oh!" he ran back, skidding to a stop, he took the balloons from you one by one and tied them to your locker.

"thanks, stiles." you laughed, admiring the balloons.

you walked towards your usual seat on the bus next to your boyfriend, liam dunbar. he looked up as soon as he saw you, "hey, y/n!" he smiled goofily.

you smiled back, "hey, liam," you looked down at your seat and saw a heart shaped box along with a bouquet of roses, "for me?" you blushed slightly.

"of course, who else am i going to ask to be my valentine?" he smirked.

"oh i don't know, scott?" you laughed.

you heard a chuckle from the seat at the back of the bus, scott smiled, "oh you flatter me, y/n."

you picked up the presents and sat down next to liam, "thank you, my sweet valentine." you giggled, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"get a room!" you heard stiles yell from next to scott.

liam laughed, shaking his head and ignoring them, "so you didn't answer my kind-of question."

"i'd love to be your valentine, liam." you smiled, looking at him admiringly.

you sprinted down the stairs at the sound of the doorbell, you paused before opening it, catching your breath. opening the door you burst out laughing as you saw a large teddy bear staring back at you.

isaac placed the bear down and smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth.

"happy valentines, my love." he smirked.

"isaac, this is adorable." you looked down at the bear, a large pink bow tied around its stomach.

"well, it's not all i got..." he reached into his back pocket and pulled a rectangular box out and held it in front of him, he opened it revealing a gold necklace with a small heart.

"isaac..." you trailed off in shock.

"i know i rarely treat you, so i wanted to do it right." he looked at you hopefully with his sea-green eyes.

you stepped over the bear and wrapped your arms around his neck, "oh, isaac, you didn't have to, but i love it, thank you." you smiled up at him and kissed him slowly.

"maybe i should do this more often..." he grinned down at you mischievously, "so what do you say, be my valentine?"

"how could i say no?" you smiled.

theo didn't have a romantic bone in his body, at least that's what you thought.

you padded downstairs in your bare feet, suddenly you felt something soft and velvety underneath your feet, looking down you saw rose petals were scattered in the direction of the kitchen. you followed them, the aroma of pancakes filled your nostrils. theo was stood by the kitchen table shovelling pancakes onto two plates from a frying pan.

he looked up when you came in, "goodmorning, baby girl."

you raised your eyebrows, "sorry, have i woken up to an alternate universe?" you laughed.

"can't a guy do something nice for his girlfriend?" he chuckled whilst putting the pan in the sink full of soapy water.

"of course." you smiled, sitting down. the pancakes had tiny pieces of strawberry in, making them ten times better than usual.

theo sat down opposite you, smiling rather than smirking for once.

"so, what is this in aid of?" you asked whilst taking a bite of the strawberry pancakes theo had made, they tasted like heaven.

"well," he leaned back in his chair, relaxing, "i wanted to ask you something."

"yes?" you mumbled through a mouthful of pancakes.

he glanced at the plate that you'd just finished eating the pancakes from, "oh!" you gasped, a message was inscribed on the plate.

be my valentine?

you looked over at him as he looked you, his pale, blue eyes flickered over your face nervously, "yes! obviously." you rolled your eyes jokingly.

"good." he smirked, biting into one of the pancakes.

happy valentine's day! xoxo

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